
A Python library for easily making text adventure games.

pip install text-adventures==0.0.2


Text Adventures

A Python library for easily making text adventure games.

Inspired by textadventure.

Getting Started

Install the library using pip or your package manager of choice:

pip install text-adventures

Add this code to import the package:

import text_adventures


To create a Scene, add this code:

myScene = text_adventures.Scene()

Scenes take 2 arguments:

  • title: a str that gets printed at the top of the console.
  • actions: an Iterable of Actions that will be ran in order.


Actions can be set to run in a Scene. There are currently 4 options:

  • Text
  • GoTo
  • Options
  • Interaction

But you can expect more soon, or if you don't want to wait, you can make your own! There is a very simple Action class that you can import to create your own Actions.