
A python package to map your own csv files data using Atlas from NOMIC

Embedding, Visualization, Map, Text, CSV, Search, keywords, Dynamic
pip install text2mapviewer==0.2.1


This is a vesy simple way to map your text data using Altas from NOMIC using the lib click.

You have to create an account to get API_KEY NOMIC.

<< Atlas enables you to:

  • Store, update and organize multi-million point datasets of unstructured text, images and embeddings.

  • Visually interact with your datasets from a web browser.

  • Run semantic search and vector operations over your datasets. Use Atlas to:

    • Visualize, interact, collaborate and share large datasets of text and embeddings.
    • Collaboratively clean, tag and label your datasets
    • Build high-availability apps powered by semantic search
    • Understand and debug the latent space of your AI model trains >>

How to use


To install the necessary dependencies, run the following command:

python -m venv mymapenv 
source mymapenv/bin/activate
pip install --upgrade pip 
pip install text2mapviewer

Login NOMIC server

Login/create your Nomic account:

nomic login

If you have already your account :


Examples :

from NOMIC and with lib text2mapviewer

from text2mapviewer.examples.map_embedding import project

# Use the projet from the lib text2mapviewer 

With the lib click after clone this ripo

python scr/text2mapviewer/examples/map_embedding_click.py --num_embeddings 10000 --embedding_dim 256

Supported Transformer Models from Hugging Face

This project supports a variety of transformer models, including models from the Hugging Face Model Hub and sentence-transformers. Below are some examples: - Hugging Face Model: 'prajjwal1/bert-mini' - Hugging Face Model: 'Sahajtomar/french_semantic' (french version for semantic search embedding) - Sentence-Transformers Model: 'sentence-transformers/all-MiniLM-L6-v2' etc...

Please ensure that the model you choose is compatible with the project requirements and adjust the --transformer_model_name option accordingly.

To map your text/csv files

pip install -r requirements.txt
python main.py --transformer-model-name MODEL_NAME --cache_dir CACHE_DIR --batch-size BATCH_SIZE --file-path FILE_PATH

NOTE: for the CACHE_DIR : you can setup it like ==>

export TRANSFORMERS_CACHE=/path_to_your/transformers_cache

Give a fidback.