tf2helm converts a Terraform module to a Helm Chart

terraform, helm, kubernetes, self-service, cloud, aws, azure, gcp
pip install tf2helm==0.0.16



t2helm is a simple Python utility that converts a Terraform module to a Helm Chart. The Helm Chart contains a Kubernetes Custom Resource understood and managed by the Terraform Operator at present and it will soon be extended to support other similar operators e.g. oam-dev Terraform Controller.

tf2helm reads a Terraform module from a local or remote path and converts it into a Helm chart in a specified directory. It reads the Terraform variables and writes them as .Values.required and .Values.optional values in the Helm values.yaml file depending on whether they have been assigned values or not.

This gives infrastructure operators e.g. DevOps or Platform engineers the flexibility to set sensible default parameters for cloud resources and make them visible and configurable to application developers who may or may not override them afterwards.


pip install tf2helm


Usage: tf2helm [OPTIONS]

  tf2helm converts a Terraform module to a Helm Chart [currently only supports
  the Terraform Operator]

  --tf_module_path TEXT  Terraform module local Path e.g.
  --tf_module_url TEXT   Terraform module URL e.g.
  --tf_version TEXT      Terraform version.
  --name TEXT            Helm chart name.
  --version TEXT         Helm chart version.
  --app_version TEXT     Helm chart application version.
  --output_dir TEXT      Path to the Helm chart output directory.
  --help                 Show this message and exit