Online Transition-Based Feature Generation for Anomaly Detection in Concurrent Data Streams.

anomaly, detection, machine, learning, intrusion, process, mining
pip install tfgen==0.5.0


Transition-based Feature Generator (TFGen)

PyPI version


The process log/event log will be used as input for the feature generator. The feature generator will generate transition matrices.

How to use


pip install tfgen    # normal install
pip install --upgrade tfgen  # update tfgen

How to use

First we need to get the observable event classes. Better save this for future use, as the change of the event classes will change the generated feature. The parameter will be an array or a list of attributes. Check release v0.2.1 for datasets we will use below.

from tfgen.observe_event_classes import get_observable_ec

data_for_ec = pd.read_csv('test_data_for_ec.csv')
ec = get_observable_ec(data_for_ec[['Flags', 'S/C']])  # Flags and S/C are the attributes

Now we can create the TFGen object. The first parameter is the list of all possible event classes. The second parameter is the window size.

from tfgen import TFGen
tfgen = TFGen(ec, window_size=500)

Now we load the data for feature generation. Each case needs to end with EOT marking, and it needs to generate be placed under each attribute. Without EOT, the TET will keep growing. Something like this:

Example of input data.
Case_ID Flags S/C
... ... ...
13 000.ACK.FIN. C
13 000.ACK. S
14 000.SYN. C
13 000.ACK.RST. S
14 000.ACK.SYN. S
... ... ...
data_for_feature = pd.read_csv('test_data_with_eot.csv')

We can load the dataset in an offline mode, or we can load the dataset in an online streaming mode. The method for loading the dataset in offline mode is:

tfgen.load_from_dataframe(data_for_feature, case_id_col='Case_ID', attributes_cols=['Flags', 'S/C'])
output = tfgen.get_output_list()  # this will return a list of data.

Note that the output is a list (or other iterable) of dictionaries {case_id, transition_table}, case_id is from the last event and it can be used for labelling the data for supervised learning. get_output_list() can only be used in offline mode.

Use the generator as an input for the online streaming.

# replace this generator with your own generator
def replace_with_the_actual_generator():
    while True:
        for rows in data_for_feature.values:
            case_id = rows[0]
            event_attrs = rows[[2, 3]]

            yield case_id, event_attrs  # event_attr is an iterable with multiple attributes.

# Use the generator as an input for the online streaming.
out = tfgen.get_output_generator()  # this will return a generator as the output.

get_output_generator() can only be used with load_from_dataframe() or load_from_generator().

We can feed the data into TFGen one by one. Note that the output is not guaranteed as TFGen needs several events to initialise. Handel the exception if you want to use this method.

import queue
data_for_feature_array = data_for_feature.values
for sample in data_for_feature_array:
    case_id = sample[0]
    event_attrs = sample[[2, 3]]

    # tfgen.load_next(<you data sample>). The sample is a tuple of (case_id, event_attrs)
    # and event_attrs is an iterable with multiple attributes.
    tfgen.load_next(case_id, event_attrs)
    except queue.Empty:

get_output_next() is compatible with all input methods.