Python based Makefile wrapper for terraform projects

pip install tfmake==1.0.57



Hello ! 👋

This is a Python based wrapper around an opionated Makefile I use for multi-cloud/cross-account terraform projects.

You still need make, though. The main advantage is that you don't have to copy the Makefile.


This module includes a highly opinionated Makefile implementation. It's working very well for us, but your requirements might be different.

Also, I've done my best to make this thing work on both MacOS and Linux. If you get an error message (~ and my colleagues haven't beat you to it) ... please get in touch and/or create a PR.


$ pip install tfmake


Here's the help for the wrapper

$ tfmake --help
Usage: tfmake [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  --version  Show the version and exit.
  --help     Show this message and exit.

  aws    Use AWS provider.
  azure  Use Azure provider
  guess  Default command that guesses what provider you're using.
  init   Create configuration for provider.

A warning will be shown when your tfmake is out-of-date. If you see one, please update: pip install --upgrade tfmake


Currently, tfmake supports two providers: aws and azure. The default provider is aws. Depending on the selected provider, a different, provider specific, Makefile is used to wrap terraform. Here, the provider is selected by using the right command.

See 'examples' for some ... examples.

Each provider leads to a specific Makefile. For example: provider==azure leads to using

Provider Authentication

The used Makefile will not handle authentication. It just assumes you're using an authenticated context.

For, aws, I use aws-vault. For azure, I use the azure-cli.

Here's the help for the (bundled) Makefile

$ tfmake help
The AWS Edition


 ENVIRONMENT is one of ['dev','tst','acc','qas','prd','run']
 TARGET is one:
    update                          Update terraform modules and providers
    select                          Select and initialize terraform workspace (aka 'stage')
    show                            Show current terraform workspace
    plan                            Generate and show an execution plan
    apply                           Builds or changes infrastructure
    destroy                         Destroy Terraform-managed infrastructure
    refresh                         Refresh terraform state
    import                          Import existing infrastructure into your Terraform state


 - parameter 'env' is only required when selecting an environment
 - <TERRAFORM ARGUMENTS> can be used to pass arbitrary terraform parameters (without a prefix dash). Example: "make apply input=false no-color auto-approve"

Use tfmake azure help to see the azure edition ...

Workspace Prefix

When selecting an environment, by default, the following naming convention is used to store the terraform state:



  • ACCOUNT_ALIAS is the alias of the account you're using (either: AWS or Azure)
  • TERRAFORM_S3_KEY is the value of the key in

If you want something in-between the alias and the key, you can use the 'workspace prefix' like this:

Only needed when using the select command!

$ aws-vault exec my-aws-account -- tfmake select env=dev --workspace-key-prefix foo/bar

After you selected the environment, the path to your terraform state is:


Assuming the key value is whatever/terraform.tfstate, this leads to: my-aws-account/foo/bar/whatever/terraform.tfstate

Safeguarding Credentials

This works for both AWS and Azure

Although, you have to provide the correct credentials yourself, tfmake will check if the credentials you provide are expected.

$ cd /path/to/my/tf/project
$ aws-vault exec ACCOUNT_ONE -- tfmake select env=dev
Initializing modules...
>>> Now using Terraform workspace 'dev' on AWS account 'aws-account-one' ...

If you use different credentials the next time you use tfmake in this project, you'll see a warning. Press <ENTER> to abort (or y to continue).

$ cd /path/to/my/tf/project
$ aws-vault exec ACCOUNT_TWO -- tfmake plan
[WARNING] You previously used 'aws-account-one' for provider aws. Now you're using 'aws-account-two'. Are you sure? [y/N]:

The 'magic' behind all this is a cache stored in $(PWD)/.tfmake/cache. So, if you delete this file, this safeguard won't work anymore :(

Auto-switching Credentials on Azure

When you're using Azure and installed azctx, tfmake will use the cached credentials to automatically switch to the correct subscription.

In your .tfmake/config, make sure you enabled auto_switching:

provider: azure
auto_switch: True

  - ARM_ACCESS_KEY = $(az keyvault secret show --name YOUR_SECRET --vault-name YOUR_VAULT --query value -o tsv)

Support for AWS will follow in a future version of tfmake

Final Notes

By default, before any a terraform command is executed, you will be asked to confirm the usage of the current environment.

$ tfmake azure apply

Using workspace 'prd' on 'My_fancy_Azure_Production_subscription'.

Press [ENTER] to continue or [CTRL-C] to stop.

Please notice that the prompt shows the selected terraform workspace and the alias/name of the provider account.

Use TFMAKE_AGREE=1 to auto confirm that prompt ...


Initialise 'dev' environment

$ aws-vault exec foobar -- tfmake select env=dev

Plan changes

$ aws-vault exec foobar -- tfmake plan

Plan changes with plan file

$ aws-vault exec foobar -- tfmake plan out=foobar.plan

Apply changes

$ aws-vault exec foobar -- tfmake apply

Apply changes using plan file

$ aws-vault exec foobar -- tfmake apply input=false auto-approve foobar.plan

Apply changes using the azure provider

$ az login
# (optionaly set subscription)
$ az account set --subscription=YOUR_SUBSCRIPTION_ID_HERE
$ tfmake azure apply

Apply changes ... automagically

$ aws-vault exec foobar -- tfmake apply input=false no-color auto-approve'

Note: you can use arbitrary Terraform arguments after the command you're executing (~ in this example: apply). So, in this example, input=false no-color auto-approve will be used to create the following terraform arguments: -input=false -no-color -auto-approve.

Notice that you have to skip the dash in front of each argument.

Another Note: :arrow_up ... this only applies when using tfmake ... if, for whatever reason, you choose to use the Makefile directly: run make help

Advanced Usage

You can use a per project configuration file in which you can specify, for example, environment variables and/or arbitrary commands that need to be execute before or after the make target.

$ tfmake init aws

Configuration written to '/your/current/directory/.tfmake'
# Welcome to the wonderful world of TFMAKE!
# This file is the main config file for your tfmake project.
# It's very minimal at this point and uses default values.
# You can always add more config options for more control.
# Happy Coding!
provider: aws

# You can define service wide environment variables here
# Notes:
# - when using commands, dont use single quotes (sorry)
# - commands should be between $( and )
# environment:
#    - variable1 = value
#    - variable2 = $(command)

# You can define commands here that are executed _before_ the Make target
# Note: dont use single quotes (sorry)
# before:
#    - echo "[INFO] before"

# You can define commands here that are executed _after_ the Make target
# Note: dont use single quotes (sorry)
# after:
#    - echo "[INFO] after"%

Section provider

The provider section specifies what (default) provider to use for this project. As a result, you don't have to specify it anymore on the command-line.

So, no more tfmake azure plan. Instead, just configure the provider property and type tfmake plan.

Section environment

The environment section can contain a list of environment variables that need to be set before calling the make target.

For example, when using the azure provider, you might want to dynamically fetch the value for the ARM_SAS_TOKEN or ARM_ACCESS_KEY from an Azure Key Vault.

Section before

The before section can contain a list of commands that need to be executed preparing the call to the make target.

Section after

The after section can contain a list of commands that you can use to cleanup after calling the make target.



The following example configuration creates an environment variable using a specified secret from a given key vault. Then, it will execute all before statements. Next it will just execute the Makefile target. And finally, it will execute all after statements.

Please note that the environment variables will not be exposed system-wide. They will only be 'visible' within the context of the session. As a result, terraform can use it, but when the process is done, the variable will no longer be available.

provider: azure

    - ARM_ACCESS_KEY = $(az keyvault secret show --name YOUR_SECRET --vault-name YOUR_VAULT --query value -o tsv)

    - echo $ARM_ACCESS_KEY

    - echo "DONE!!"

~ the end