A Telegram Bot written in Python language to mirror files on the internet to Google Drive

heroku, telegram-bot, google-drive, mirror-bot, telegram-mirror-bot, mirror-files
pip install tgchizu==1.4.6



A Telegram Bot written in Python language to mirror files on the internet to Google Drive.

very buggy bot, update coming soon...


little experiment of mine where i combine ksssomesh12's tgmb & breakdowns's slam-mirrorbot together. All credit should go to them, they are the ones who maintain these mirror bots to this day. I did not create any of this, only made it compatible with each other.

If you'd like a more stable version similar to this repo, smpriiiyo's priiyo-mirrorbot.

Removed images sent with commands & /repo.


  • you tell me! unless I find it first.


Supported Features:

From Source Repos

  • Mirror Torrents
  • Mirror Direct Links
  • Mirror Telegram Files
  • Mirror Mega.nz Files
  • Upload Files after Archiving/Unarchiving
  • Download and Upload Progress, Speeds and ETAs
  • Docker Support
  • Uploading To Team Drives
  • Delete files from drive
  • Index Link Support
  • Shortener Support
  • Service Account Support
  • Custom Filename (Only for url, telegram files and ytdl. Not for mega links and magnet/torrents)
  • Mirror 'youtube-dl' Supported Links
  • Extracting password protected files, using custom filename and download from password protected index links see these examples:

Additional Features

  • Dynamic Config Support, to facilitate easier and streamlined experience for editing config files.
  • Sync Config Files at every /restart command.
  • Edit values of environment variables in 'config.env' from within the bot using InlineKeyboardButtons.
  • 'aria2c' daemon starts as a subprocess from within the 'bot' python module, facilitating better handling of processes. This also results in both 'aria2c' daemon and the 'bot' python module restarting with every '/restart' command.
  • Support for using custom tracker list formatted as a text file, as required by 'aria2c' daemon.
  • Mirroring Uptobox.com links to Google Drive (Uptobox account must be premium)
  • Nyaa.si and Sukebei Torrent search
  • Speedtest with picture results
  • Limiting torrent size support
  • Check Heroku dynos stats
  • Add stickers to your pack
  • Shell and Executor
  • racaty.net support

Supported Archive File Types


Development Status:


  • Add option to select files for torrent/magnet downloads.

NOTE: All the above to-dos are aimed at achieving zero human-intervention after initial deploy to Heroku.

Info of Branches

  • main : most stable environment for production deploys.
  • staging : testing new features, fixes or better implementations of already existing ones.
  • dev : major feature updates that are under development



  • Install Python3.
sudo apt install python3

Cloning and Setting Up Config File

mkdir ~/Downloads/deploy_heroku
mv ~/Downloads/deploy_release_v* ~/Downloads/deploy_heroku
cd ~/Downloads/deploy_heroku
tar xzvf deploy_release_v*
rm -v deploy_release_v*
  • Copy and Edit the Config file:
cp config_sample.env config.env
nano config.env
  • Remove the first line saying:

Fill up rest of the fields. The description of each field is given below.

Required Fields

  • BOT_TOKEN : The telegram bot token that you get from @BotFather.
  • GDRIVE_FOLDER_ID : This is the folder ID of the Google Drive folder to which you want to upload all the mirrors.
  • DOWNLOAD_DIR : The path to the folder where the downloads will be downloaded locally, before uploading to Google Drive.
  • OWNER_ID : The Telegram user ID (not username) of the owner of the bot.
  • DOWNLOAD_STATUS_UPDATE_INTERVAL : A short interval of time in seconds after which the Mirror progress message is updated (5 seconds at least).
  • AUTO_DELETE_MESSAGE_DURATION : Interval of time (in seconds), after which the bot deletes its message (and command message) which is expected to be viewed instantly (set to '-1' to never automatically delete messages).
  • TELEGRAM_API : This is to authenticate to your telegram account for downloading Telegram files. You can get this from here.
  • TELEGRAM_HASH : This is to authenticate to your telegram account for downloading Telegram files. You can get this from here.
  • MAX_DOWNLOAD_SPEED : Set the maximum download speed. By default, it is set to '0' (unlimited).
  • MAX_CONCURRENT_DOWNLOADS : Set the maximum concurrent downloads. By default, it is set to '3'.
  • TRACKERSLIST : Set the URL of the trackerslist text file. By default, it is set to 'https://trackerslist.com/all_aria2.txt'.
  • USE_TELEGRAPH : Set to "true" to use Telegra.ph for search results from '/list' bot command, or else set to "false".
  • MEGA_KEY: Mega.nz api key to mirror mega.nz links. Get it from Mega SDK Page
  • MEGA_USERNAME: Your email id you used to sign up on mega.nz for using premium accounts (Leave th)
  • MEGA_PASSWORD: Your password for your mega.nz account
  • BLOCK_MEGA_FOLDER: (Optional field) If you want to remove mega.nz folder support, set it to True.
  • BLOCK_MEGA_LINKS: (Optional field) If you want to remove mega.nz mirror support (bcoz it's too much buggy and unstable), set it to True.
  • HEROKU_API_KEY: Your Heroku API key.
  • HEROKU_APP_NAME: Your Heroku app name.
  • AUTHORIZED_CHATS: Chat IDs you want to authorize. To add multiple group IDs, they must be seperated with a space. For example: "-100000 -1111111 -122222"

NOTE: The trackerslist text file must contain tracker URLs in a single line, separated by commas, as required by 'aria2c'.

Optional Fields (leave empty if unsure)

  • IS_TEAM_DRIVE : Set to "true" if GDRIVE_FOLDER_ID is from a Team Drive, or else set to "false" or leave it empty.

  • USE_SERVICE_ACCOUNTS : Whether to use service accounts or not. For this to work see "Using service accounts" section below.

  • STOP_DUPLICATE_MIRROR : Set this to "true", if you want to check for duplicate files (using file name, and not file hash) in Google Drive matching the requested download and stop the download if found any.

  • ENABLE_FILESIZE_LIMIT: Set it to True if you want to use MAX_TORRENT_SIZE.

  • MAX_TORRENT_SIZE: To limit the torrent mirror size, Fill The amount you want to limit, examples: if you fill 15 it will limit 15gb.

  • INDEX_URL : Refer to GDIndex repo. The URL should not have any trailing '/'.

  • SHORTENER : URL of the Shortener.

  • SHORTENER_API : API Key of the Shortener.

      Supported Shorteners:
      > exe.io
      > gplinks.io
      > shrinkme.io
      > urlshortx.com
      > shortzon.com
      Additionally, some other shorteners are also supported unofficially.

Getting Google OAuth API Credential File

  • Visit the Google Cloud Console.
  • Go to the OAuth Consent tab, fill it, and save.
  • Go to the Credentials tab and click Create Credentials -> OAuth Client ID.
  • Choose Other and Create.
  • Use the download button to download your credentials.
  • Move the downloaded file to the 'deploy_heroku' folder, and rename it to 'credentials.json'.
  • Visit Google API Library.
  • Search for Drive and enable it if it is disabled.


  • Install Requirements:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  • Use 'pipenv' for better compatibility (optional):
pipenv install -r requirements.txt
pipenv shell
  • Run 'setup.py', and authorize the AppFlow to generate 'token.pickle':
python3 setup.py
  • Enter the appropriate choice in the input prompt, to use static/dynamic config.

    In case of static config, the setup is complete here.

    In case of dynamic config, continue to the next section.

Dynamic Config (optional)

  • If you are running this setup script for the first time, enter the appropriate choice in the input prompt and continue to the next step.

  • Create a new folder in your personal Google Drive, irrespective of the folder you use for uploading files with this bot (no constraints at all).

  • Change the permissions of this newly created folder to 'Anyone on the Internet with this link can view'.

  • Enter the FolderId of the newly created folder in the input prompt, and continue with the setup.

  • For 'DL_WAIT_TIME' reference, see below:

    DL_WAIT_TIME : Time to wait for aria2c to download the config files. By default it's set to '5' seconds, which is more than enough for deploying the bot to Heroku. If 'DL_WAIT_TIME' lapses, and the config files are not downloaded due to any reason, the bot exits with exit code (1).

  • The config files will be uploaded to Google Drive, and then deleted, except for 'dynamic.env'.

  • The setup script will exit with 'Setup Completed' message.

  • Now, the docker image can be deployed with 'dynamic.env' file.

NOTE: If you have already run this setup script and want to update the existing config files in drive, enter the appropriate choice in the input prompt. In the next step, enter the FileId of the existing 'dynamic.env' in the input prompt, and the updated files will be uploaded to Google Drive. Now, you can choose to keep the old config files or delete them.

Deploy to Heroku:

Creating a Heroku App

sudo snap install --classic heroku
  • Login into your Heroku Account:
heroku login
  • Visit Heroku Dashboard and create a new app with any name (for our reference, your-mirror-bot) and with any region you prefer, for your app to be served from.
  • In the Deploy tab of your app dashboard, select 'Heroku Git' in Deployment Method.
  • Change the Stack for the App using Heroku CLI:
heroku stack:set container --app your-mirror-bot
  • Initialise the project files as a Git Repository, push the Repo to 'Heroku Git' and build the Docker Image:
cd ~/Downloads/deploy_heroku
git init
git add .
git commit -m "initial commit"
heroku git:remote --app your-mirror-bot
git push heroku main
  • If the Docker Image Build succeeds, then, your push to the remote repository will succeed, otherwise, your push to the remote repository is rejected as the Docker Image Build fails.

Run/Terminate the App

You can run/terminate the app by allocating/deallocating dynos to the app.

Using Dashboard

  • In the app dashboard, under resources tab, use the 'Edit Dyno Formation' button in Dynos section to change the working state of the app.

Using CLI

  • To Run:
heroku ps:scale worker=1 --app your-mirror-bot
  • To Terminate:
heroku ps:scale worker=0 --app your-mirror-bot
  • To Check Status:
heroku ps --app your-mirror-bot
  • To Tail App Logs:
heroku logs --tail --app your-mirror-bot

Bot Commands:

  • start - Start the bot
  • mirror - Mirror the provided link to Google Drive
  • unzipmirror - Mirror the provided link and if the file is in archive format, it is extracted and then uploaded to Google Drive
  • tarmirror - Mirror the provided link and upload in archive format (.tar) to Google Drive
  • cancel - Reply with this command to the source message, and the download will be cancelled
  • cancelall - Cancels all running tasks (downloads, uploads, archiving, unarchiving)
  • list - Searches the Google Drive folder for any matches with the search term and presents the search results in a Telegraph page
  • status - Shows the status of all downloads and uploads in progress
  • authorize - Authorize a group chat or, a specific user to use the bot
  • unauthorize - Unauthorize a group chat or, a specific user to use the bot
  • ping - Ping the bot
  • restart - Restart the bot
  • stats - Shows the stats of the machine that the bot is hosted on
  • help - To get the help message
  • log - Sends the log file of the bot and the log file of 'aria2c' daemon (can be used to analyse crash reports, if any)
  • clone - Clone folders in Google Drive (owned by someone else) to your Google Drive
  • watch - Mirror through 'youtube-dl' to Google Drive
  • tarwatch - Mirror through 'youtube-dl' and upload in archive format (.tar) to Google Drive
  • delete - Delete files in Google Drive matching the given string
  • config - Edit 'config.env' file

NOTE: The above listed command descriptions can be copied and pasted in 'edit bot commands' section, when editing the bot settings with @BotFather.