
A Python SDK to aid interacting with The One API data.

pip install the-one-api-sdk-duke==0.0.0


The One API Python SDK


To install the SDK:

  1. Create and activate a venv
$ mkdir venv
$ python3.10 -m venv venv
$ source venv/bin/activate
  1. Install the package from PyPi
(venv) $ pip install the_one_api_sdk_duke

User Guide

  1. If you haven't done so, create an account at The One API
  2. Use your access token to authenticate:
>>> import the_one_api
>>> the_one_api.api_key = "your-access-token-here"


Movie Endpoint

Import the Movie module:

>>> from the_one_api import movie

Quotes can be listed in full, fetched by ID, or searched using a variety of filters

>>> movie.list_all()
>>> movie.get('quote-id')
>>> movie.filter(**filters)

Quote Endpoint

Import the Quote module:

>>> from the_one_api import quote

Quotes can be listed in full, fetched by ID, or searched using a variety of filters, including by movie ID.

>>> quote.list_all()
>>> quote.get('quote-id')
>>> quote.filter(movie_id="movie-id", match={"character": "character-id"})  # etc.

About Sorts and Filters

The filter functionality accepts a sort keyword argument and a variety of filters


Supply a field to sort by, and prepend a "-" for a descending sort. Only one field at a time is supported.

>>> movie.filter(sort="name")
>>> quote.filter(sort="-character")
Match/Negate Match

Supply a dictionary containing a field and value for an exact match (or to not match). Only one term per match is supported.

>>> movie.filter(match={"name": "The Lord of the Rings Series")
>>> movie.filter(negate_match={"name": "The Lord of the Rings Series")

Supply a dictionary containing a field and a list of values to match (or not match).

>>> movie.filter(filter={"name": ["The Return of the King", "The Fellowship of the Ring"]})
>>> movie.filter(exclude={"name": ["The Return of the King", "The Fellowship of the Ring"]})
Regex/Negate Regex

Supply a MongoDB-style regex pattern to include or not. See the MongoDB documentation for details.

>>> quote.filter(regex={"dialog": "/foot/i"})
>>> quote.filter(negate_regex={"dialog": "/foot/i"})
Less Than, Greater Than, and Greater Than or Equal To

Supply a dictionary containing a field and a number or character.

>>> movie.filter(gte={"budgetInMillions": 600}, lt={"budgetInMillions": 400})
>>> quote.filter(lt={"dialog": "B"})

Developer Guide


  1. Clone the project from GitHub
  2. Create a venv and activate it
  3. Install the requirements and the project itself in editable mode:
(venv) $ pip install -r requirements.txt -r requirements-dev.txt
(venv) $ pip install -e .

Running the test suite

Once the project has been installed following the Developer Guide:

  1. Install "requirements-test.txt"
  2. Run the tests:
(venv) $ python -m pytest