Command-line client interface for pastebin

client, interface, dpaste, pastebin
pip install thepaster==1.1.0



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dpaster is a client interface for dpaste.
It makes sharing code quite convenient.

installing dpaster

Make sure you have ~/.local/bin in your PATH.
If you haven't already, add this to your ~/.bashrc:

export PATH=$PATH:"$HOME"/.local/bin

Then run:

python3 -m pip install thepaster

using dpaster

dpaster is intented to be used as, for example:

cat | dpaster

NOTE: To specify desired lexer or desired expiry time, dpaster accepts
-l (--lexer) and/or -e (--expires) options, for instance:

cat supersecret.txt | dpaster -l _text -e onetime

...which gives back a short link to your paste.
If you want the URL to be automatically copied to clipboard, run:

dpaster config --enable-autocp

If you want a link to your raw paste, pass -r or --raw option.
You can also configure dpaster to always return raw URLs with dpaster config --enable-raw.

You can customise other options as well, such as --default-lexer, --default-expires:

dpaster config --default-lexer python (see the list of available lexers)
dpaster config --default-expires hour

If you want to view your current settings, run:

dpaster config --show


Licensed under the MIT License. For details, see LICENSE.