
A plugin that adds EduLint warnings to the Thonny Python IDE.

pip install thonny-edulint==0.6.4



Pypi Python versions Thonny versions

A Thonny plugin to add most of EduLint's warnings.


To install from pip3 using a terminal (or Powershell for Windows users)

pip3 install thonny-edulint
# Or
python3 -m pip install thonny-edulint

To install directly from Thonny:

  1. Click "Tools" and then click "Manage Plug-ins..."
  2. Search for "thonny-edulint" in the input box.
  3. Click install.

After installing you will need to restart Thonny.

Known issues

Thonny-EduLint versions until 0.6.2 (released 2024-09-05) guided users to install Thonny Plugin thonny-edulint and Thonny Package edulint. Versions 0.6.2 and later work around this issue, now it's sufficient to install just Thonny Plugin thonny-edulint.

Original recommendation (now outdated)

Due to bug in Thonny 4.0.0 to (at least) 4.1.4 there are two steps required to install thonny-edulint.

  1. Thonny -> Tools -> Manage plug-ins... -> thonny-edulint -> Install
  2. Thonny -> Tools -> Manage packages... -> edulint -> Install

If you forget the second step, the code linting will fail and give you a message reminding you that it's necessary.

The bug should be fixed in Thonny 4.1.2, after which this workaround shouldn't be necessary. More info is in this issue and the one referred from it.

Screenshot demo

Thonny edulint

License information

The codebase of this plugin started as a copy of thonny-flake which is licensed under MIT.