
Stock quotes on the mac touch bar

mac, touch, bar, stock, stocks, macbook, ticker, quotes
pip install tickerbar==0.4



BetterTouchTool plugin which adds a button to your macbook touch bar to display live stock data: alt text alt text


  1. Macbook with Touch Bar.
  2. BetterTouchTool. If you don't already have it installed, BetterTouchTool is a must-have for any mac power user.
  3. Python 3.

Installation and Usage

  1. Install tickerbar: pip install tickerbar.

  2. Add the stock positions you'd like to monitor

    • tickerbar add <symbol_1> <number_of_shares_1> <symbol_2> <number_of_shares_2> ...
    • Remove positions with tickerbar remove <symbol>
    • Remove all positions with tickerbar remove all
    • To change a position just add it again: tickerbar add <symbol> <new_quantity>, this will override the existing data for that symbol.
  3. Generate BetterTouchTool settings: tickerbar btt. This will create a JSON settings file named bttStockConfig.json in the directory you run the command from.

  4. Import the bttStockConfig.json settings file to BetterTouchTool alt text

  5. Enjoy! If you make changes to your positions via tickerbar add or tickerbar remove you'll need to repeat steps 4-5 to update BetterTouchTool. You can further customize the buttons you've just created through the BetterTouchTool app!


TickerBar caches the last stock quote it finds. If you go offline it will use this cached value.