
A package for examining the structure and contents of the metadata contained within tiff files

pip install tiff-inspector==0.1.0



Tiff-Inspector is a Python package that allows you to easily inspect the content and metadata of TIFF (Tagged Image File Format) files. The package provides an easy-to-use interface to view and analyze the hierarchical structure, series, levels, and tags of TIFF files.


  • Inspect hierarchical structure of TIFF files.
  • View metadata for series, levels, and individual pages.
  • Extract and display image descriptions.
  • Display metadata and tag values in a human-readable format.
  • Supports XML and plain text descriptions.


You can install Tiff-Inspector using pip:

pip install tiffinspector


  • tifffile
  • xmltodict
  • IPython


To use the Tiff-Inspector package, simply import the TiffInspector class and create an instance with the path to the TIFF file.

from tiffinspector import TiffInspector

# Instantiate the TiffInspector with the path to the TIFF file
tiff_inspector = TiffInspector("path/to/tiff/file.tif")

# Display the report
tiff_inspector.display_report(expanded=False, levels=None, max_text_length=None)

You can customize the display of the report by modifying the parameters:

  • expanded: If set to True, it will expand the JSON structures in the report.
  • levels: Set the number of tree levels to display. If set to None, it will display the entire tree.
  • max_text_length: Set the maximum length of text values in the report. If set to None, it will display the entire text.


For more detailed information on the package and its functions, please refer to the source code and comments within the package.


This package is released under the MIT License.