
Find alignment signatures characteristic of transposon insertion sites.

Transposon, TIR, MITE, TE, WGA, LASTZ, Whole, genome, alignment, insertion, transposition
pip install tinscan==0.2.0


Tinscan: TE-Insertion-Scanner

Scan whole genome alignments for transposon insertion signatures.

Table of contents

Algorithm overview

  1. Perform gapped and chained whole genome alignment of query genome B onto target genome A.
  2. Where two aligned segments are contiguous in B (or separated by no more than --qGap), and
  3. Separated by an insertion in the range --minInsert:--maxInsert in A, and
  4. At least one flanking alignment in A satisfies the threshold --minIdent, and differs from its mate by no more than --maxIdentDiff %
  5. Log flanks and candidate insertion.
  6. Attempt to infer TSDs from the internal overlap of flanking alignments in B genome.

Options and usage

Installing Tinscan


  • LASTZ genome alignment tool from the Miller Lab, Penn State.

Install from PyPi:

pip install tinscan

Clone and install from this repository:

git clone https://github.com/Adamtaranto/TE-insertion-scanner.git && cd TE-insertion-scanner && pip install -e .

Example usage

Find insertion events in genome A (target) relative to genome B (query).

Prepare Input Genomes

Split A and B genomes into two directories containing one scaffold per file. Check that sequence names are unique within genomes.

tinscan-prep --adir data/A_target_split --bdir data/B_query_split\
-A data/A_target_genome.fasta -B data/B_query_genome.fasta 

Output: data/A_target_split/.fa data/B_query_split/.fa

Align Genomes

Align each scaffold from genome B onto each genome A scaffold. Report alignments with >= 60% identity and length >= 100bp.

tinscan-align --adir data/A_target_split --bdir data/B_query_split \
--outdir A_Inserts --outfile A_Inserts_vs_B.tab \
--minIdt 60 --minLen 100 --hspthresh 3000

Output: A_Inserts/A_Inserts_vs_B.tab

Note: Alignment tasks can be limited to a specified set of pairwise comparisons where appropriate (i.e. when homologous chromosome pairs are known between assemblies) using the option "--pairs". Comparisons are specified with a tab-delimited text file, where column 1 contains sequence names from genome A, and column 2 contains sequences from genome B.

In the example Chromosome_pairs.txt, Chr A2 has been assembled as two scaffolds (B2, B3) in genome B.

A1    B1
A2    B2
A2    B3
A3    B4

Find Insertions

Scan alignments for insertion events and report as GFF annotation of Genome A

tinscan-find --infile A_Inserts/A_Inserts_vs_B.tab \
--outdir A_Inserts --gffOut A_Inserts_vs_B_l100_id80.gff3 \
--maxInsert 50000 --minIdent 80 --maxIdentDiff 20

Output: A_Inserts/A_Inserts_vs_B_l100_id80.gff3

Standard options


tinscan-prep --help
Usage: tinscan-prep [-h] -A TARGET -B QUERY [--adir ADIR] [--bdir BDIR]
                    [-d OUTDIR]

Split multifasta genome files into directories for A and B genomes.

Optional arguments:
  -h, --help        Show this help message and exit.
  -A , --target     Multifasta containing A genome.
  -B , --query      Multifasta containing B genome.
  --adir            A genome sub-directory within outdir
  --bdir            B genome sub-directory within outdir
  -d , --outdir     Write split directories within this directory.
                    (Default: cwd)


tinscan-align --help
Usage: tinscan-align [-h] --adir ADIR --bdir BDIR [--pairs PAIRS] [-d OUTDIR]
                     [--outfile OUTFILE] [--verbose] [--lzpath LZPATH]
                     [--minIdt MINIDT] [--minLen MINLEN]
                     [--hspthresh HSPTHRESH]

Align B genome (query) sequences onto A genome (target) using LASTZ.

Optional arguments:
  -h, --help        Show this help message and exit
  --adir            Name of the directory containing sequences from A genome.
  --bdir            Name of the directory containing sequences from B genome.
  --pairs           Optional: Tab-delimited 2-col file specifying
                    target:query sequence pairs to be aligned
  -d , --outdir     Write output files to this directory. (Default: cwd)
  --outfile         Name of alignment result file.
  --verbose         If set report LASTZ progress.
  --lzpath          Custom path to LASTZ executable if not in $PATH.
  --minIdt          Minimum alignment identity to report.
  --minLen          Minimum alignment length to report.
  --hspthresh       LASTZ min HSP threshold. Increase for stricter matches.


tinscan-find --help
Usage: tinscan-find [-h] -i INFILE [--outdir OUTDIR] [--gffOut GFFOUT]
                    [--noflanks] [--maxTSD MAXTSD] [--maxInsert MAXINSERT]
                    [--minInsert MININSERT] [--qGap QGAP]
                    [--minIdent MINIDENT] [--maxIdentDiff MAXIDENTDIFF]

Parse whole genome alignments for signatures of transposon insertion.

Optional arguments:
  -h, --help        Show this help message and exit.
  -i , --infile     An input file containing tab-delimited LASTZ alignment
  --outdir          Optional: Directory to write output to.
  --gffOut          Write features to this file as GFF3.
  --noflanks        If set, do not report flanking hit regions in GFF.
  --maxTSD          Maximum overlap of insertion flanking sequences in
                    QUERY genome to be considered as target site
                    duplication. Flank pairs with greater overlaps will be
                    discarded Note: Setting this value too high may result
                    in tandem duplications in the target genome being
                    falsely classified as insertion events.
  --maxInsert       The maximum sequence length to consider as an insertion 
  --minInsert       Minimum sequence length to consider as an insertion
                    event. Note: If too short may detect small non-TE
  --qGap            Maximum gap allowed between aligned flanks in QUERY
                    sequence. Equivalent to target sequence deleted upon
                    insertion event.
  --minIdent        Minimum identity for a hit to be considered.
  --maxIdentDiff    Maximum divergence in identity (to query) allowed
                    between insert flanking sequences.


Software provided under MIT license.