A tiny NoSQL database with in-memory caching

pip install tinyble==



##Introduction Tinyble is a super lightweight database inheriting TinyDB. It is a document-oriented NoSQL but can also be used as a SQL database. It is most suitable for small applications where MongoDB is too way overkill. The features are:

  • Written in pure Python and works well with most Python versions
  • Very small, stored in JSON format and requires no external server
  • Different from TinyDB, flexible auto-paging is provided to enable fast write-in and read-out
  • Combine in-memory caching with disk storage to trade-off speed and reliability

##Difference from TinyDB TinyDB stores each table in a single JSON file. For every IO operation, the JSON file will be wholly read and rewritten. As the file size gets larger or when there are many write-in operations, the speed can be dramatically slow. Tinyble uses a separate thread to manage all the write/update operations. Specifically, all newly-updated data will first be stored in memory and an internal timer expires, they will be batch-written in the JSON file. This reduces the number of IO operations. Moreover, a limit on the JSON file size is imposed when the size exceeds the limit, a new JSON file is created. This limits the volume of each read operation.

The internal timer and the file size can be set by users.

##Version The latest version is v0.1.4. The current version is still on experimental status. Please use it with caution. Please contact me if you find any bugs/problems.


  • added the close() function


  • fixed the print bug
  • fixed the 'get' method bug

##How to install The easiest way to install is to use

(sudo) pip install tinyble

in the command line tool.

##Working with Django A very simple and ugly example showing the use of Tinyble with Django can be found in Tinyble with Django


###Create a new database and a new collection

db = Tinyble('data')  # create a new database named "data"
collection = db.collection('example') # create a new collections under "data" named "example"

###Insert some data

col = db.collection('example')

col.insert({'type': 'apple', 'number': 1})
col.insert({'type': 'pineapple', 'number': 2})
col.insert({'type': 'blueberry', 'number': 3})

###Update some data

col.update({'number':10}, cond= where('type')=='pineapple')

###Delete some data


Other usages are very similar to TinyDB.

###Set the parameters

col.setting(file_size=100, query_cache_size=10, write_freq=5)

The above setting means each JSON file is limited to 100 entries and the database will store the latest 10 query results in memory and write-to-disk frequency is 5s.