
A command line tool to talk with RHV environment

pip install titamu==0.59



BorgBackup Installation and Basic Usage

  1. Install our code in virtualenv or user directory (not recommended to install the python package globally)
pip install titamu --user


virtualenv ~/titamu
cd ~/titamu
pip install titamu
  1. pycurl (which is one of the dependencies) is not easy to install and the errors could be quite different for both MacOS and Linux. Use google :)
  2. Set necessary environment variables as followings. You can appened the content in your ~/.bash_profile (MacOS) or ~/.bashrc (Linux)
export TITAMU_URL='https://lab-rhevm.microsoft.rdu.com/ovirt-engine/api'
export TITAMU_USERNAME='adminuser@your_domain'
export TITAMU_PASSWORD='password'
export TITAMU_CA_FILE='ca.pem'
export TITAMU_VM_PREFIX='your_vm_prefix'
export TITAMU_DEFAULT_TEMPLATE='your_preferred_template'
export TITAMU_DIST='MacOS'
  1. Download ca.pem. Save the ca.pem to your preferred path and set TITAMU_CA_FILE correctly. For example, export TITAMU_CA_FILE='/root/ca.pem'
$ wget '<Your RHV URL>/ovirt-engine/services/pki-resource?resource=ca-certificate&format=X509-PEM-CA' --no-check-certificate
$ mv pki-resource\?resource\=ca-certificate\&format\=X509-PEM-CA ca.pem
  1. Some examples
$ titamu -h
usage: titamu [-h] {start,test,stop,show,delete,list,boot,console} ...

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

# To list the VMs which filters by TITAMU_VM_PREFIX environment variable
$ titamu list
| ID                                   | Name                     | Status | Networks       | Comment                     |
| cd8212b3-f208-40b0-8f31-4140d57eac9b | cchen-7u4                | DOWN   |                | DNS server for all gss user |
| 89c9976f-fe53-49b4-b1fd-1e7a4b86a0e1 | cchen-7u5-template       | DOWN   |                |                             |
| 7f4ef4f8-1641-4145-8812-234dcec478e0 | cchen-desktop            | UP     |   |                             |

$ titamu show cchen-desktop

| Item        | Value                                                                                 |
| Name        | cchen-desktop                                                                         |
| ID          | 7f4ef4f8-1641-4145-8812-234dcec478e0                                                  |
| Memory      | 8192M                                                                                 |
| CPU         | 4                                                                                     |
| Disks       | ['cchen-7u5-template_Disk1', 'ee9e366f-6930-4ab2-9eb7-095e4c22b0c7', '40G']           |
| Active Nics | ['nic1', '00:1a:4a:16:02:41', 'bcda0f88-eae7-4234-a897-5dafecc5856b', ''] |