
Tkinter-based framework to build Python apps

framework, tkinter, GUI, modern, productivity, application, app, desktop-application, dark-theme, desktop-app, multithreading, pyrustic, python, style, theme
pip install tkf==0.0.3


This project is deprecated. Please use Gaspium instead. Gaspium is a better framework for a lot of reasons



Lightweight Tkinter-based framework to build Python apps

This project is part of the Pyrustic Open Ecosystem.

Installation | Documentation | Latest

Table of contents


This package includes several other packages and above all exposes tkf.App, the main class of the framework.

Main class

The main class tkf.App allows you to:

  • display the first view of the application;
  • activate the theme of your choice;
  • define the width and height of the app window;
  • center the application window on the screen;
  • make the application window full screen;
  • restart the application;
  • stop the application;
  • et cetera.


This is an example of usage of tkf.App:

Click to expand or collapse
import tkinter as tk
from tkf import App
from cyberpunk_theme import Cyberpunk

def get_view(app):
    """This is a view function"""
    root = app.root
    # Body
    body = tk.Frame(root)
    # Label 'Hello Friend'
    label = tk.Label(body, text="Hello Friend")
    # Button 'Quit'
    button = tk.Button(body, text="Quit", command=app.exit)
    # Return the body of this view
    return body

# An instance of tkf.App
app = App()

# Size
app.geometry = "300x100"

# Title
app.title = "Example"

# Cyberpunk is a dark theme
app.theme = Cyberpunk()

# A view is either a function that returns a Tkinter widget
# or a Viewable (see the library Viewable)
app.view = get_view

# Center the window on the screen

# Start the app (mainloop !)

And this is what it looks like:



Read more about the class tkf.App.

Batteries included

These are the packages included in TkF:


Name Description
Shared Library to store, expose, read, and edit collections of data
TkStyle Library to create styles and themes for Python apps
Litemark Lightweight Markdown dialect for Python apps
Megawidget Collection of megawidgets to build graphical user interfaces for Python apps
Viewable Class to implement a GUI view with lifecycle
Threadom Tkinter-compatible multithreading
Suggestion Democratizing auto-complete(suggest) for Python desktop applications
Kurl Konnection URL: HTTP requests in Python with an implementation of conditional request and a responses caching system
Litedao Library to perform intuitive interaction with SQLite database
Probed Probed collections for Python

Note: The libraries listed above can be downloaded from PyPI and installed individually for use as is in new or existing projects without having to use the TkF framework.


Name Description
Cyberpunk-Theme A modern dark theme for Python apps
Winter-Theme A modern light theme for Python apps

Note: The themes listed above can be downloaded from PyPI and installed individually for use as is in new or existing projects without having to use the TkF framework.

Command line tools

Name Description
Backstage CLI tool to manage, test, build, and release your Python projects

Note: The tools listed above can be downloaded from PyPI and installed individually for use as is in new or existing projects without having to use the TkF framework.


Here is a demo that you can copy and paste and run as is:

Click to expand or collapse
import tkinter as tk
from tkf import App
from viewable import Viewable
from megawidget import Toast
from cyberpunk_theme import Cyberpunk
from cyberpunk_theme.widget.button import get_button_red_style, get_button_blue_style

class Hello(Viewable):
    """Graphical equivalent of a Hello World"""
    def __init__(self, app):
        self._app = app
        self._root = app.root
        self._btn_max = None

    def _build(self):
        """This method is part of the view lifecycle"""
        self._body = tk.Frame(self._root)
        # Label
        label = tk.Label(self._body, text="Hello Friend !")
        label.pack(expand=1, fill=tk.BOTH)
        # Footer
        footer = tk.Frame(self._body)
        footer.pack(side=tk.BOTTOM, fill=tk.X, padx=2, pady=2)
        # Button Maximize
        self._btn_max = tk.Button(footer, text="Maximize",
        self._btn_max.pack(side=tk.RIGHT, padx=(2, 0))
        # Button Crash
        btn_crash = tk.Button(footer, text="Crash",
        # Styling
        button_red_style = get_button_red_style()
        button_blue_style = get_button_blue_style()

    def _on_click_btn_max(self):

    def _on_click_btn_crash(self):
        toast = Toast(self._body, message="This app is going to crash...")
        self._app.crash_resistant = False
        raise Exception("Deliberately raised exception !")

def main():
    # The App
    app = App()
    # Set the title
    app.title = "demo"
    # Resizable
    app.resizable = (True, True)
    # Set the theme
    app.theme = Cyberpunk()
    # Set the view
    app.view = Hello
    # Center the window on the screen
    # Lift off !

if __name__ == "__main__":

And this is what it looks like:




TkF is cross platform and versions under 1.0.0 will be considered Beta at best. It is built on Ubuntu with Python 3.8 and should work on Python 3.5 or newer.

For the first time

pip install tkf


$ pip install tkf --upgrade --upgrade-strategy eager

External learning resources

Some interesting links below to get started with Python, Tkinter and SQLite.

Introduction to Python

Introduction to Tkinter

Introduction to SQLite

Note: I am not affiliated with any of these entities. A simple web search brings them up.


Gaspium is a high-productivity framework for building GASP applications. Under the hood, Gaspium uses TkF. If TkF is C, Gaspium would be Python.

Discover Gaspium !