
Time-bound LRU caching library

pip install tlru==0.1.0



Time-bound LRU caching library for Python 3, optimized for speed and efficient use of resources.

EXPERIMENTAL: Use at your own risk.

When installing under PyPy, be sure to:


Requires Python 3.5 or better.

Related Works

The term "TLRU" is also used by M. Bilal and S. Kang in "Time Aware Least Recent Used (TLRU) cache management policy in ICN," 16th International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology, Pyeongchang, 2014, pp. 528-532, doi: 10.1109/ICACT.2014.6779016.

This Python project was originally implemented independently of M. Bilal and S. Kang's work, and the reuse of the term "TLRU" was coincidental. However, we cite it here as an important related work that describes a higher-level network caching system, while also quantifying the effects of combining a TTL with an LRU eviction strategy.


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