The holiest cli template system

cli, productivity, python3, template, tmplr
pip install tmplr==0.2.1



This project is considered stable

Generate project files from templates on the command-line


tmplr is on pip, so just

# python3 -m pip install tmplr

tmplr requires python 3 or greater.


If you find yourself creating lots of similar scripts or files, and you usually just do something like

# cp old new
# $EDITOR new

then tmplr is the solution.

Create temples (templates), then generate a file and start editing with

# tmplr sample-script var=value func_name=my_func -f script

See your templates, or edit them, using the temples command:

# temples
# temples -t sample-script
sample-script : sample sh script
# temples -e -t sample-script

(This is based on the example given at the end of the format description.)

See below for the temple file format.

By default, temples live in ~/.tmplr, but this is configurable with the -d switch to both programs.

Supply -h for more options.

Temple-file format

A Temple file consists of two parts:

  1. header
  2. content

The header provides metadata specific to tmplr, and will be omitted when the template is rendered into output.

The content is text, containing special template sequences which will be substituted by render arguments upon output.

File extensions are ignored.

Header format

The first line of the header must consist of the same character repeated thrice. We call this the "comment character" because, if you use a character considered a comment for the normal file content, editors will not choke on Temple headers.

The next lines consist of metadata and all follow this format:

{comment character} key : value

A value ends once the line is terminated by a newline character.

After the metadata is the last line of the header--it is a carbon copy of the first line of the header.

Anything after the second sequence of 3 comment characters is considered content and read literally.

Temple metadata

The supported key-value pairs are:

  • output The output directive can be a path (with ~ expansions), optionally containing the sequence {fname}. If the rendered template is written, it will be written to this path, with {fname} substituted for a filename by the engine (see tmplr.temple.Temple.write).

    If output is instead the string 'stdout', the rendered template will be printed to standard out.

  • help The help directive provides a short description of the template

  • delim The delim directive decides the special sequences that require render arguments.

    Any text of delim followed by name, or delim{name}, will be replaced by the render argument name (see tmplr.temple.Temple.render).

    Take care to choose a delim value that will not appear in the template except for in these escape sequences.

Unsupported values will be ignored, but not cause a parsing error.


# output : /tmp/tmplr-test-example-{fname}
# help : sample sh script
# delim : %%
#! /bin/sh

%%{func_name} () {
  echo do something

echo ${%%var}

End Example

In this example, the comment character is '#' because the file is a shell script. %%var will be replaced in both places (since %% is the delim) by the var argument to render. Similarly %%{func_name} will be replaced the func_name argument to render.

If fname is passed as, e.g., templar, the result will be written to /tmp/tmplr-test-example-templar.