
RADIUS tools

radius, AAA, authentication, accounting, authorization, toughradius, benchmark
pip install toughbt==0.0.3



toughbt 是一个基于Python/twisted开发的 radius 服务性能测试工具。


- Linux/Mac OSX/BSD
- Python 2.7/PyPy
- easy_install/pip


pip install toughbt


$ pypy trbctl -h

usage: trbctl [-h] [-auth] [-acct] [-m] [-w] [-s SERVER] [-P PORT] [-e SECRET]
          [-u USERNAME] [-p PASSWORD] [-n REQUESTS] [-c CONCURRENCY] [-v]
          [-t TIMEOUT] [-f FORK] [-i INTERVAL] [-r RATE] [-conf CONF]

optional arguments:
-h, --help            show this help message and exit
-auth, --auth         Run radius auth test
-acct, --acct         Run radius acct test
-m, --master          Run benchmark master
-w, --worker          Run benchmark worker
-s SERVER, --server SERVER
                    Radius server address
-P PORT, --port PORT  Radius server auth port or acct port
-e SECRET, --secret SECRET
                    Radius testing share secret
-u USERNAME, --username USERNAME
                    Radius testing username
-p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD
                    Radius testing password
-n REQUESTS, --requests REQUESTS
                    Number of requests to perform
                    Number of multiple requests to make at a time
-v, --verbosity       How much troubleshooting info to print
-t TIMEOUT, --timeout TIMEOUT
                    Seconds to max. wait for all response
-f FORK, --fork FORK  Fork worker process nums, default 1
-i INTERVAL, --interval INTERVAL
                    Stat data interval, default 2 sec
-r RATE, --rate RATE  Max send message rate , default 5000 per process
-conf CONF, --conf CONF
                    Radius testing config file


$ trbctl --auth -m -u trbtest -p 888888 -n 10000 -c 100 -f 2 -i 5 -r 500 -t 1000

benckmark worker created! master pid - 78933, worker pid - 78937
benckmark worker created! master pid - 78933, worker pid - 78938
write worker 78938 log into /tmp/trbctl-worker-1.log
write worker 78937 log into /tmp/trbctl-worker-0.log
------------------ radius auth benchmark statistics result ----------------------
- Benchmark params
- Client platform                   :  Darwin-15.3.0-x86_64-i386-64bit, x86_64
- Python implement, version         :  PyPy, 2.7.9
- Radius server  address            :
- Radius Server auth port           :  1812
- Raduius share secret              :  secret
- Auth Request total                :  10000
- Concurrency level                 :  100
- Worker Process num                :  2
- All Requests timeout              :  1000 sec
- Stat data interval                :  5 sec
- Send request rate                 :  500/sec
- Time data statistics
- Current stat datetime             :  Sat Mar 19 19:09:54 2016
- Current sent request              :  10000
- Current received response         :  10000
- Current accepts response          :  9992
- Current rejects response          :  8
- Current error response            :  0
- Current requests per second       :  373.312449622, cast 3.75824594498 sec
- Current max requests per second   :  502.08186488, cast 5.01711010933 sec
- Current time per request          :  2.67872127226 ms
- Current min time per request      :  1.99170707 ms
- Current max time per request      :  35.0688480669 ms
- Current Cast total seconds        :  28.886922121 sec