
Towerpy: an open-source toolbox for processing polarimetric radar data

pip install towerpy-rd==1.0.2




Towerpy is an open-source toolbox designed for reading, processing and displaying polarimetric weather radar data.

Platforms linux wdw

tools plang1 plang2 pt1 pt5 pt6

info GitHub release (latest SemVer)

📚 Documentation

Documentation Status

You can find more details about Towerpy here.

💬 Citing

If you find towerpy useful for a scientific publication, please consider citing the towerpy paper:


   @article{sanchezrivas2023, title = {{Towerpy: An open-source toolbox for processing polarimetric weather radar data}},
   journal = {Environmental Modelling & Software}, pages= {105746}, year = {2023}, issn = {1364-8152},
   doi = {}, author = {Daniel Sanchez-Rivas and Miguel Angel Rico-Ramirez},
   keywords = {Weather radar, Polarimetry, Radar QPE, Radar research applications, Open source}}

🔨 Installing towerpy

To ensure a smooth installation of towerpy, we strongly recommend using conda, the open-source Python package management system. Download and install Anaconda to get conda and other essential data science and machine learning packages.

Once Anaconda is installed and working, we recommend adding the conda-forge channel to the top of the channel list::

conda config --add channels conda-forge

Strict channel priority can dramatically speed up conda operations and also reduce package incompatibility problems. We recommend setting channel priority to "strict" using::

conda config --set channel_priority strict

Create a new environment to install towerpy::

conda create -n towerpy python=3.10

Activate the new environment::

conda activate towerpy

Install the latest version of Towerpy by choosing ONE of the following options:

(1) Downloading and installing Towerpy from

conda install -c towerpy towerpy

(2) Downloading and installing Towerpy from GitHub (here we have the latest release)::

python -m pip install --upgrade git+

(3) Downloading and installing Towerpy from the Python Package Index (PyPI)::

python -m pip install towerpy-rd

Finally, install other additional dependencies helpful for scientific computing::

conda install -c conda-forge ipython jupyter sympy spyder scikit-learn wradlib

Installing from source

Optionally, you can get the towerpy source code from the GitHub repository.

Either download and unpack the zip file of the source code or use git to clone the repository::

git clone

Once inside the folder where towerpy was downloaded, it can be installed by using pip::

python -m pip install .

Or install Towerpy in “editable” mode::

python -m pip install -e .

🐍 Dependencies

The following dependencies are required to work with towerpy:

Package Required
NumPy v1.21+
SciPy v1.7.1+
Matplotlib v3.5.2+
Cartopy v0.19+
netCDF4 vv1.5.8+

*Some modules within towerpy run using shared objects/dynamic link libraries (.so, .dll). These libraries are automatically installed during the towerpy installation.

💭 Missing a specific feature? Found a bug?

Feel free to post a message to our discussions page or have a look at our contribution guidelines to find out about our coding standards.

👷 Team

Towerpy is created and maintained by Daniel Sanchez-RivasORCID iD icon and Miguel A Rico-RamirezORCID iD icon

GitHub User's starsGitHub contributors
