
A Python package for cost-benefit analysis of infrastructure projects

cost, benefit, analysis
pip install transport-cba==0.1.1



A Python module for cost-benefit analysis of infrastructure projects.

Provides a consistent way to evaluate economic efficiency of road projects with well-defined inputs and parameters.

Main benefits compared to traiditional Excel-based approach:

  • several orders of magnitude faster and cheaper
  • wider options for analysis of alternative scenarios
  • significantly lower margin for error


From pip:

pip install transport-cba

Or directly from git:

pip install git+


Load project inputs as an Excel file with following sheet names: road_params, capex, intensities_0, intensities_1, velocities_0, velocities_1

Meaning of required inputs:

  • capital expenditures (CAPEX) with pre-defined items
  • parameters of road sections (length, width, number of lanes etc)
  • vehicle intensities in variant 0 and 1 (without and with the project) by road segment
  • vehicle velocities in variant 0 and 1 by segment

For illustration, please download the sample input (see below).


  • Dataframe of costs and benefits
  • Economic indicators:
    • economic net present value (ENPV)
    • economic internal rate of return (ERR)
    • benefit to cost ratio (BCR)
    • dataframes with breakdown of relevant benefits by years


NB: Values might differ slightly.

>>> from transport_cba import RoadCBA
>>> from transport_cba.sample_projects import load_sample_bypass

>>> bypass = load_sample_bypass()

>>> cba = RoadCBA(2020, "svk")
>>> cba.read_project_inputs(
...     bypass["road_params"],
...     bypass["capex"],
...     bypass["intensities_0"],
...     bypass["intensities_1"],
...     bypass["velocities_0"],
...     bypass["velocities_1"]
... )
>>> cba.economic_analysis()
>>> cba.economic_indicators
Quantity Unit Value
0 ENPV M EUR 3.336
1 ERR % 5.62
2 BCR 1.076