

pip install travesty==0.2.0


Travesty: Graph Traversal Dispatchers badge

Travesty is a collection of tools for doing function dispatch based on a vertigo graph.

A lot of these tools are specifically aimed at doing function dispatch based on a type graph for some object type.

This document uses doctest, so the examples are runnable. We're going to need vertigo and travesty, and we'll also use the datetime module:

>>> import vertigo as vg
>>> import travesty as tv
>>> import datetime
>>> import pprint

Type Graphs

Travesty defines a bunch of operations that work on type graphs. A type graph is just an ordinary vertigo graph where each node's value is a type marker. For example, suppose you're working with dictionaries about people; each dictionary has the keys name, birthday, and favorites, where name is a string, birthday is a date, and favorites is a list of strings. An example record might look like:

>>> julie = dict(
...     name = "Julie Andrews",
...     birthday =, 10, 1),
...     favorites = ["doorbells", "raindrops on roses"]
... )

You can describe this structure with a typegraph like so:

>>> typegraph = tv.SchemaMapping().of(
...     name = tv.String(),
...     birthday = tv.Date(),
...     favorites = tv.List().of(tv.String()),
... )
>>> print(vg.ascii_tree(typegraph, sort=True))
root: <SchemaMapping>
  +--birthday: <Date>
  +--favorites: <List>
  |  +--sub: <String>
  +--name: <String>

Although this is using shorthands like .of(), the end result is a plain vertigo graph and could easily have been constructed using vertigo tools:

>>> typegraph2 = vg.from_dict(dict(
...     _self = tv.SchemaMapping(),
...     name = tv.String(),
...     birthday = tv.Date(),
...     favorites = dict(
...         _self = tv.List(),
...         sub = tv.String(),
...     ),
... ))
>>> print(vg.ascii_tree(typegraph2, sort=True))
root: <SchemaMapping>
  +--birthday: <Date>
  +--favorites: <List>
  |  +--sub: <String>
  +--name: <String>

Graph Dispatchers

Travesty provides a collection of graph dispatchers, which are functions whose first argument is a graph such as the typegraph above, and which determine what to do based on the structure of this graph.

For example, the dictify graph dispatcher takes two arguments - a typegraph describing an object, and the object in question - and produces a JSON- serializable dictionary:

>>> serialized = tv.dictify(typegraph, julie)
>>> serialized == {
...     'birthday': '1935-10-01',
...     'name': 'Julie Andrews',
...     'favorites': ['doorbells', 'raindrops on roses']}

In this particular example, the only change in the structure is that the birthday field has been serialized to a string (we'll look at more complex examples later).

The undictify dispatcher does the same thing, but in reverse:

>>> tv.undictify(typegraph, serialized) == julie

The validate dispatcher takes a typegraph and an object supposedly matching that typegraph, and raise an exception if the object doesn't match:

>>> tv.validate(typegraph, julie)
>>> tv.validate(typegraph, dict(
...     name = 'Galactus, Devourer of Worlds',
...     birthday = "Before the dawn of time",
... ))
Traceback (most recent call last):
Invalid: birthday: [type_error], favorites: [missing_key - Missing key favorites]

In this case, validate correctly detected that the birthday value of "Before the dawn of time" was not a valid date, and that the favorites key is missing from the entry.

Custom Types

The most common use-case for travesty is to define new types and get dispatcher behavior automatically. This is generally done via the SchemaObj type, which automatically constructs a typegraph from a structure you provide:

>>> class Person(tv.SchemaObj):
...     field_types = dict(
...         name = tv.String(),
...         birthday = tv.Date(),
...         favorites = tv.List().of(tv.String())
...     )
...     def __init__(self, name, birthday, favorites=None):
... = name
...         self.birthday = birthday
...         self.favorites = favorites or []
...     def __str__(self):
...         return "{}, born {}".format(, self.birthday)
...     def talk(self):
...         if not self.favorites:
...             return "I don't like anything."
...         things = " and ".join(self.favorites)
...         return things + ": These are a few of my favorite things"
...     def __eq__(self, other):
...         return all([
...    ==,
...             self.birthday == other.birthday,
...             self.favorites == other.favorites
...         ])

The items in field_types can be typegraphs or type markers; the call to tv.List().of(tv.String()) is shorthand for creating a typegraph with the list at the root node and the string as the sole child, called "sub".

In almost all respects, Person is a normal python class:

>>> things = ["doorbells", "raindrops on roses"]
>>> julie = Person('Julie Andrews',, 10, 1), things)
>>> scrooge = Person('Ebenezer Scrooge',, 5, 19))
>>> print(julie)
Julie Andrews, born 1935-10-01
>>> print(scrooge)
Ebenezer Scrooge, born 1781-05-19
>>> print(
doorbells and raindrops on roses: These are a few of my favorite things
>>> print(
I don't like anything.

But, because it inherits from SchemaObj, it has a corresponding marker type and typegraph implied by its field_types attribute:

>>> Person.marker_cls
<class 'travesty.schema_obj.PersonMarker'>
>>> print(vg.ascii_tree(Person.typegraph, sort=True))
root: <PersonMarker>
  +--birthday: <Date>
  +--favorites: <List>
  |  +--sub: <String>
  +--name: <String>

Consequently, it can already be used as an argument to any of the graph dispatchers:

>>> serialized = tv.dictify(Person, julie)
>>> serialized == {
...     'name': 'Julie Andrews',
...     'birthday': '1935-10-01',
...     'favorites': ['doorbells', 'raindrops on roses'],
... }
>>> julie2 = tv.undictify(Person, serialized)
>>> julie2 == julie

Note also that most functions that expect typegraphs or marker types will accept SchemaObjs (or indeed any other subclass of tv.Traversable), and will automatically get the type's marker and/or typegraph as needed. Thus in the above it is sufficient to pass Person as the first argument to undictify, rather than passing in Person.typegraph.

Custom Behavior

So far this is all pretty useful, but sometimes you need to do things that travesty doesn't automatically support. Here are a few ways to customize the behaviors of things.

New Markers

You can define your own type markers by subclassing tv.Marker and defining behavior for various dispatchers for your class. This is particularly useful when you want to create a marker type for a class outside of travesty.

As an example, suppose we have an EmailAddress class:

>>> class EmailAddress(object):
...     def __init__(self, name, email):
... = name
... = email

We can define a marker type for it and corresponding serialization functions as follows:

>>> class EmailAddrMarker(tv.Marker):
...     pass

>>> from email.utils import parseaddr, formataddr

>>> @tv.undictify.when(EmailAddrMarker)
... def udf_email_addr(d, s, **kw):
...     try:
...         name, email = parseaddr(s)
...     except TypeError:
...         raise tv.Invalid('type_error', 'Unrecognized email: {}'.format(s))
...     return EmailAddress(name, email)

Here EmailAddrMarker is a type marker that can be used in a typegraph to indicate an object that should be an EmailAddress, and we've defined behavior for undictify for this marker:

>>> e = tv.undictify(EmailAddrMarker(), "Fiona Foonly <>")
>>> print(
Fiona Foonly
>>> print(

Dispatchers for which no function is defined will raise an exception:

>>> print(tv.dictify(EmailAddrMarker(), e))
Traceback (most recent call last):
NotImplementedError: <EmailAddrMarker>

We can fix this by making sure to define these:

>>> @tv.dictify.when(EmailAddrMarker)
... def df_email_addr(d, addr, **kw):
...     return formataddr([,])

>>> print(tv.dictify(EmailAddrMarker(), e))
Fiona Foonly <>

Dispatcher Inheritance

Travesty's Dispatcher class, which is a base class for the graph dispatchers like undictify, supports a form of inheritance, allowing you to define new dispatchers that include all functionality of existing dispatchers except where you specifically override it.

For example, the default dictify for tv.Date is to stringify the date:

>>> datelist_marker = tv.List().of(tv.Date())
>>> datelist = [, 12, 10),, 3, 23)]
>>> tv.dictify(datelist_marker, datelist)
['1815-12-10', '1882-03-23']

This is because many serialization frameworks, such as json, do not support dates by default. However, if you're dictifying objects in order to serialize them with a data-aware serialization tool like YAML, you might prefer that dictify and undictify pass dates through unchanged. In this case, you can define your own dispatchers based on each:

>>> my_dictify = tv.GraphDispatcher([tv.dictify])
>>> my_undictify = tv.GraphDispatcher([tv.undictify])

The argument to GraphDispatcher is a list of parents; when operating on a marker, the dispatcher will check each parent in turn to see if the parent has behavior for that marker. Thus, as defined above, my_dictify and my_undictify are synonyms for dictify and undictify, respectively. But now we can add custom behavior to them:

>>> @my_dictify.when(tv.Date)
... @my_undictify.when(tv.Date)
... def passthrough_date(d, date, **kw):
...     return date

Now these two functions behave exactly like their parents except when encountering dates, in which case they pass them through unchanged (note that the behavior on tv.List is unchanged):

>>> my_dictify(datelist_marker, datelist)
[, 12, 10),, 3, 23)]

>>> my_undictify(datelist_marker, datelist)
[, 12, 10),, 3, 23)]


tv.Wrapper is a marker type for wrapping other marker types. The most important attribute of a wrapper is its attribute .marker, which is the marker that it wraps, and all dispatchers created by tv.make_dispatcher (as well as all that inherit from those) automatically have a rule for Wrapper that makes them ignore the wrapper and behave as if they'd encountered the underlying marker.

Consequently, you can transform a typegraph by replacing any marker in the graph with a wrapper around that marker, and define specific behavior for a dispatcher when it encounters that marker. All other dispatchers will continue to work normally on that typegraph, as though the marker weren't there.

For example, suppose you want to require that a date be later than 1900. Then you might define:

>>> class After1900(tv.Wrapper): pass
>>> @tv.validate.when(After1900)
... def check_1900(d, date, **kw):
...     if date <, 1, 1):
...         raise tv.Invalid("date/too_early", "Date must be after 1900")

Recall our Person typegraph from earlier:

>>> typegraph = Person.typegraph
>>> print(vg.ascii_tree(typegraph, sort=True))
root: <PersonMarker>
  +--birthday: <Date>
  +--favorites: <List>
  |  +--sub: <String>
  +--name: <String>

A Person with an early birthday still passes validation:

>>> ramanujan = Person("Srinivasa Ramanujan",, 12, 22))
>>> ramanujan.favorites = ["Nested Radicals", "Infinite Series"]
>>> tv.validate(typegraph, ramanujan)

If we tweak the typegraph to wrap birthday in an After1900, validation will now fail:

>>> overlay = vg.from_flat({'birthday':After1900(typegraph['birthday'].value)})
>>> typegraph2 = vg.overlay(typegraph, overlay, reversed=True)
>>> print(vg.ascii_tree(typegraph2, sort=True))
root: <PersonMarker>
  +--birthday: <After1900(Date)>
  +--favorites: <List>
  |  +--sub: <String>
  +--name: <String>
>>> tv.validate(typegraph2, ramanujan)
Traceback (most recent call last):
travesty.invalid.Invalid: birthday: [date/too_early - Date must be after 1900]

But because other dispatchers ignore wrappers, dictify will still work on the altered typegraph:

>>> tv.dictify(typegraph2, ramanujan) == {
...     'name': 'Srinivasa Ramanujan',
...     'birthday': '1887-12-22',
...     'favorites': ['Nested Radicals', 'Infinite Series'],
... }

More Stuff

There are a lot of other cool things you can do with travesty, such as using the base dispatchers for single-argument type dispatch, or making graph- scripted algorithms by creating your own markers and dispatchers. Eventually I hope to add more documentation about these sub-parts. In the meantime, there are two places you can look for more information.

The first is README2.rst, which contains some bottom-up documentation that I wrote earlier and that I hope to integrate with this documentation at some point. The second is, which has some quickly thrown- together examples.