
Python bindings to the Tree-sitter parsing library

pip install tree-sitter-builds==2022.8.27



The py-tree-sitter project (not to be confused with tree-sitter-python) provides Python bindings for the awesome tree-sitter parsing library. The documentation of py-tree-sitter says that you need to have a C compiler installed to use it, but installing a C compiler can be highly non-trivial depending on which operating system you have. It's also a huge dependency for what is otherwise a small and simple parsing library.

This project lets you use py-tree-sitter without a C compiler by providing binary wheels that were built using a C compiler, but don't require a C compiler to be installed. The wheels contain:


$ pip install tree-sitter-builds

After installing, import tree_sitter and import tree_sitter_languages should work. For documentation, see the documentation of:

How does it work?

Read .github/workflows/build.yml to see how GitHub actions builds the wheels. Here are the steps, at a high level:

  • Download py-tree-sitter v0.20.1 and py-tree-sitter-languages v1.5.0 from GitHub (these are the latest released versions at the time of writing this)
  • Move downloaded files to the correct places, so that the resulting wheels will contain both tree_sitter and tree_sitter_languages
  • Apply patches to the tests of tree_sitter and tree_sitter_languages so that they work here
  • Invoke cibuildwheel with the same configuration as py-tree-sitter-languages uses
  • Once the above steps have ran on Windows, MacOS and Linux, upload the wheels to PyPI


The wheels consist of various parts licensed under MIT and Apache 2.0 licenses: