
Pipes various ingress streams to another egress stream. I.e. MQTT -> Kafka

pip install trell-data-pipeline==0.4.10


Trell Data Pipeline

A small async pipeline that pipes data from an ingress stream into another source. Currently it is only compatible with the chirpstack to Kafka.

Current implementation can only parse and produce Elsys payload or raw data into a Kafka cluster. However other sources and destinations should be easy to implement by creating a new decoder and/or producer.


  1. Clone this repo.
  2. Create and load a virtual enviroment with python3.5 or above.
  3. pip install -r requirements.txt

Quick start

Note: The development config uses a mock producer. To use Kafka either change the development settings or create a local config with kafka as driver. A Kafka server must be started to use the kafka producer.

python --config-file=config/development.yml


  • Python 3.6+
  • Kafka 2.0+ (if Kafka producer is used)


Hack and slash method! No tests to consider yet :(

Note: The debug log for the various packages are disabled per default (set to WARNING level). To enable it, in in init_logging(), change the log levels to desired level.

Future work

  • Better error handling for different connection problems in the MQTT client.
  • Create support for dual manufacturers of sensors and gateways in the same installation.
  • Create a AMQP (RabbitMQ) producer.
  • Move production settings into the provisioning/configurtion step instead of having it inside the repo. I.e. write an ansible template.
  • Maybe some tests for the drivers?