Python SDK for the TruSTAR REST API

python-sdk, security, trustar-api
pip install trustar==0.4.2


Python SDK for the TruSTAR API

API/SDK Documentation

See for the official documentation to the TruSTAR Python SDK.



To install, run

pip install trustar


If the package has been previously installed, upgrade to the latest version with

pip install --upgrade trustar


To uninstall, simply run

pip uninstall trustar

Tutorial and Examples

For a quick tutorial on using this package, follow the guide at

More examples can be found within this repository under trustar/examples


To setup this project for development, you need to have pipenv installed and follow the next instructions:

  1. Setup a virtual environment:

    pipenv install --dev
  2. Activate the virtualenv:

    pipenv shell
  3. Install this package in editable mode:

    pip install -e .


This repository is built using tox to test the code with diferrent python versions. If you want to set up your development environment follow the instructions.

Setup instructions

  1. If you don't have tox installed in your system, do the following:

pip install tox

  1. tox --devenv <virtualenv_name> -e <python_environment>

Where virtualenv_name is the name you choose for your virtual environment and python_environment is one of the supported python version py39.

For example:

tox --devenv .venv-py39 -e py39 tox --devenv .venv-py310 -e py310

  1. Activate your virtual environment:

source .venv-py39/bin/activate

Running tests

If you want to test all available environments:, just do:

tox in project's root

If you want to run a specific environment:

tox -e py39 or tox -e py310

Python 2 Compatibility

This package is no longer compatible with both Python 2.7 (EOL 2020-01-01)

Python 3 Compatibility

This package is no longer compatible with Python 3.7 (EOL 2023-06-27). Minimum compatible version is Python 3.9