Twitter Search CLI

cli, python, search, twitter
pip install ts==0.3.0



Screen Shot

Twitter Search CLI


pip install ts


Before actual usage, you need to initialize config file first:

ts --init

The first time you run ts, it will guide you through an OAuth authentication process. The tokens will be stored at ~/.ts.config.json, any time you want refresh the tokens, run:

ts --auth

to make authentication again and update the tokens in config.

Run ts -h to see complete usage instructions:

usage: ts [-c COUNT] [-l LANG] [--link] [-d] QUERY
       ts [--init|--auth|--config CONFIG] [-d]

Twitter Search CLI

Search options:
  QUERY             search query, see:
  -c COUNT          set result number, by default it's 50
  -l LANG           set search language (en, zh-cn), see:

Display options:
  --link            append link with tweet
  -d                enable debug log
  -dd               debug deeper (more verbose)

Image options:
  --download-medias DOWNLOAD_MEDIAS
                        Download medias by tweet id or url
  --auto-naming         Name the downloaded files automatically, if not
                        passed, name in the url will be used.
  --download-dir DOWNLOAD_DIR
                        dir path to download medias, by default it's current

Other options:
  --init            init config file
  --auth            make authentication with twitter
  --config {proxy}  config ts, support arguments: `proxy`
  -h, --help        show this help message and exit

Search Tweets

The search syntax is the same as Twitter Web Search or Twitter Search API. Here are some common search query examples:

  1. Find what a person had said:

    ts 'from:NASA Elon Musk'
  2. Find what people said to a person in a topic:

    ts '#Hearthstone to:bdbrode'

Download Media in Tweet

You can download photos or videos in a tweet, animated gif is likely not supported yet, contributions are welcomed.

See usage examples below:

  1. Download media (videos) to current directory:

    ts --download-media ''
    ts --download-media 1013023169408569344
  2. Download media (photos) to a specific path, using auto generated names:

    ts --download-dir ~/Downloads --auto-name --download-media \


ts supports proxying, you can set proxy by run ts --config proxy, a proxy address is something like http://localhost:1000 or

Note that by default ts only supports HTTP(S) proxying, if you want to use socks5 proxy, you'll need to install requests[socks] before using it. For more information see requests document.