"CLI bookmark buddy"

pip install twbm==0.14.2


twbm: URI Management and WEB-Browsing via Commandline (CLI)

PyPI Version Code Coverage

sysid blog: twbm

Generic URI manager for the command line.


  • full-text search across URIs, manages URIs in sqlite FTS database
  • knows how to open HTTP URLs, directories, files (e.g. Office, Images, ....)
  • can execute URIs as shell commands via the protocol prefix: 'shell::' URI-Example: shell::vim +/"## SqlAlchemy" $HOME/document.md
  • tags for URI classification
  • check tags for consistency when adding new bookmark
  • pipe search results downstream for collective action, e.g. update, open, ...
  • open group of URIs non-interactively, e.g. open all URIs regarding Poker simultaneously
  • can be integrated with URI navigator vimania-uri

Inspired by https://github.com/jarun/buku. If you are happy using buku, by all means stick with it. It is battle tested.

twbm is 100% buku compatible. Switch back and forth between twbm and buku is possible without data loss.

To harness twbm's power use full-text query syntax (see: https://www.sqlite.org/fts5.html chapter 3).


Two complementary commands are provided:

  1. twbm: CLI tool with FTS for generic URI management
  2. twbuku: 100% buku with small enhancements and usage of an enhanced database

Getting help: twbm --help


# FTS examples (https://www.sqlite.org/fts5.htm)
twbm search 'security "single-page"'
twbm search '"https://securit" *'
twbm search '^security'
twbm search 'postgres OR sqlite'
twbm search 'security NOT keycloak'

# FTS combined with tag filtering
twbm search -t tag1,tag2 -n notag1 <searchquery>

# Match exact taglist
twbm search -e tag1,tag2

# Open all matching sites non-interactively
twbm search poker --np | twbm open

# Search -> select interactively -> pipe bookmark id downstream for processing
twbm search xxxxx | twbm update -t x

# Search by any tag and sort by bookmark age ascending
twbm search -T tag1,tag2 -O

# Adding URI to local files
twbm add /home/user/presentation.pptx tag1,tag2 --title 'My super Presentation'
twmb add '$HOME/vimwiki/e4m/poker-points.png' --title 'Poker Points'

# Adding shell commands as URI
twbm add "shell::vim +/'# SqlAlchemy' sql.md" shell,sql,doc --title 'sqlalchemy snippets'

Tags must be separated by comma without blanks. When adding a generic URI, which is not starting with 'http', the cli message 'Malformed URL' can be ignored.

Selection of multiple bookmarks for opening in browser is possible, of course: Multi selection

After selection the program ends and returns to the command line prompt.


pipx twbm

Database schema upgrade:

  • To upgrade existing buku-db: twbm-upgrade-db.sh buku.db twbm.db.
  • To downgrade twbm-db: twbm-downgrade-db.sh twbm.db buku.db.

All transactions do not affect existing databases.

Tested configuration:

  • sqlite 3.36.0 (requires update on macOS)
  • macOS 10.15.7


Location of sqlite database:

# aliases which I use
alias b="twbuku --db $HOME/bm.db -n 1000 --deep"  # using patched original buku

alias bb="TWBM_DB_URL=sqlite:////$HOME/bm.db twbm search"  # using extended CLI tool
alias bbb="TWBM_DB_URL=sqlite:////$HOME/bm.db twbm"


twbm uses a few buku functions in the background, but is generally rebuilt on top of:

This should make it easy to extend and add functionality in an object-oriented manner.




patch buku

  • download buku and compare with buku.py
  • update buku.py: # tw: add title tagging (customization: search for # tw)
  • GOTCHA: Exclude buku.py from black
rm buku
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jarun/buku/master/buku .
black buku
diff buku.py buku

Local installation from sources

  • install twbm with pipx for local development: pipx install ~/dev/py/twbm, via make install
  • uninstall: pipx uninstall twbm


make test


Pycharm run configuration interferes with piping. Testing/Running only possible on CLI. This affects the following commands: open, update

Test DBs

dev/py/twbm/sql/fts.db vimwiki/buku/bm.db


  • github actions sqlite FTS5 module not working proberly, so builds are failing