
witch Plays application for RetroArch/FBNeo, with input queue and chat control toggle shortcut.

pip install twitchplays-retroarch==0.4.0



Twitch Plays application for RetroArch/FBNeo, with input queue and chat control toggle shortcut.

Commissioned by

Made with twitchio and PyAutoGUI (PyDirectInput when on Windows).

Informed by controlmypc and DougDoug's Twitch Plays projects.


  • Input queue - commands are processed with a queue system and always executed in the order they're sent.
  • Hotkeys - add global hotkeys (will work when not focused on the program window) for pausing chat control. Powered by keyboard.
  • Scalable - can use a thread pool to execute multiple inputs simultaneously.
  • Customisable - change settings and commands in config.toml.
  • Bot commands - try !help
  • Automatically locate RetroArch's config file and use your controls settings to make command templates for this program.

Installation and Usage:

Download as an exe

If you want the easiest way to use this on Windows without knowing about or installing Python, you can go to the releases page on GitHub, select the latest one, and download the twitchplays-retroarch.exe file from the Assets section.

You can then run it from where ever you downloaded it.

Install with pip from PyPI

This project is on PyPI:

Just use pip install twitchplays-retroarch.

After it's installed you can run it python -m twitchplays_retroarch or just twitchplays-retroarch.
You can also access its classes and functions with import twitchplays_retroarch.

Clone from GitHub

The usual:

  • git clone
  • cd twitchplays-retroarch
  • pip install -r requirements.txt Then you can use python -m twitchplays_retroarch (from within this folder only).

General Usage

Run the program for the first time, and it will prompt you to allow it to automatically create a new template config.toml file.

Open the file in a text editor. It's annotated with what each setting means.

The most important settings are at the start of the file under the [twitch] header. You'll need to set them in order to run the bot successfully.

After that, you can read and edit the other settings if you want more customisation.

You can also run the program with the -h command line flag for info.