
Type annotations for LibreOffice API

pip install types-unopy==1.0.3


LibreOffice API Typings

This project allow typings for the full LibreOffice API


Working with LibreOffice API in a modern code editor such as Visual Studio Code there is not type support for LibreOffice API This project solves that Issue.


This package is for Version 7.4 + of LibreOffice API.

From one version of LibreOffice to the next, generally speaking, the API does not changed much. Because this is the case it is very likely this current version of LibreOffice API Typings will work fine with other versions of LibreOffice. This a typing package so not much can go wrong in other versions.



types-unopy on PyPI

$ pip install types-unopy

For version 7.3 (or less) of LibreOffice.

$ pip install "types-unopy<1.0"


types-unopy on Anaconda

$ conda install -c conda-forge types-unopy

For version 7.3 (or less) of LibreOffice.

$ conda install -c conda-forge "types-unopy<1.0"


Types-ScriptForge leverages types-unopy. By installing Types-ScriptForge into your project you will also automatically install types-unopy.


Not all object in LibreOffice API can be directly imported.

Any UNO object that is a service cannot be imported at runtime.

For instance if you need to import SheetCellRange so it can be used as type the following will fail at runtime.

>>> from com.sun.star.sheet import SheetCellRange
ImportError: No module named 'com' (or 'com.sun.star.sheet.SheetCellRange' is unknown)

The solution is to use TYPE_CHECKING.

>>> from __future__ import annotations
>>> from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
...     from com.sun.star.sheet import SheetCellRange

Anything imported in the TYPE_CHECKING block will not be available at runtime. For this reason types inside the TYPE_CHECKING must be wrapped in quotes OR from __future__ import annotations must be the first line of the module.

Example of wrapping type in quotes.

def do_work(range: 'SheetCellRange') -> None: ...

Known Issues


There is no enum classes in API only enum members.

To access the enum members they must be imported directly.

For example to import com.sun.star.beans.PropertyState.DIRECT_VALUE

If you need the behavior of regular Enum Classes consider using ooouno

>>> from com.sun.star.beans import PropertyState
ImportError: No module named 'com' (or 'com.sun.star.beans.PropertyState' is unknown
>>> from com.sun.star.beans.PropertyState import DIRECT_VALUE
>>> DIRECT_VALUE.value
>>> type(DIRECT_VALUE)
<class 'uno.Enum'>


Example image.

Special Cases

By default an ImportError is raised when importing form com.sun.star at runtime. This is by design as the import error triggers uno to search LibreOffice API for actual import; Otherwise, com.sun.star is seen a namespace import and uno is ignored.

In some cases the ImportError may need to be suppressed.

Suppressing ImportError is accomplished by adding "ooouno_ignore_import_error" to environment and setting it to "True"

>>> import os
>>> os.environ["ooouno_ignore_import_error"] = "True" # must be string

When building with Sphinx and autodoc it may be necessary to exclude uno related imports. This can be accomplished using the autodoc_mock_imports option.

# docs conf.py
autodoc_mock_imports = ['uno', 'unohelper', 'com']

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