
An open-source, simple but extensible typing animation generator.

keyboard, animation, command-line, utility, command-line-tool
pip install typingvid==0.1.0



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Typingvid is a command line utility that allows users to quickly generate typing animation videos using different keyboard layouts and themes. To read more about the inner workings of the tool visit https://www.gavalas.dev/projects/typingvid.


Using a package installer

The latest stable version of the script is available on the Python Package Index (PyPI) and can easily be installed using your favorite Python package installer (e.g. pip):

pip install typingvid


python3 -m pip install typingvid

To check If everything went smoothly, you can try running:

typingvid --help

From source

Another option is to clone the entire GitHub repository of the project as follows:

git clone https://github.com/GavalasDev/typingvid
cd typingvid
chmod +x typingvid.py
./typingvid.py --help


The standard format of a typingvid command is the following:

typingvid -t TEXT [-l LAYOUT] [-o OUTPUT] [OPTIONS]

To see all available options, use:

typingvid --help

For example:

typingvid -t "hello world"

will generate an animation video using the default layout (en) and store it at the default output location (output.mp4).

The extension of the OUTPUT variable (option -o) defines the type of the output file. For example, to generate a simple GIF:

typingvid -t "lorem ipsum" -o "/path/to/file.gif"

For more examples, check out the official page of the tool.


Licensed under the MIT license (LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).


Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, shall be licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.