
Your personal data warehouse

pip install unifydb==0.2.1



Unify is an experiment in building a "personal data warehouse". It integrates Extract-Transform-Load, plus analysis, into a single app and database which runs on your local machine.

The primary interface to Unify is a command interface which mixes standard SQL and meta commands. Use select to query data, but you also have commands available for easily importing and exporting data, sending email, and drawing charts.

Unify includes a set of connectors to popular SaaS systems, and allows you to easily create new connectors to systems with REST APIs via a simple configuation file. Connectors automatically flatten JSON responses into relational tables that are easy to query with SQL.

Unify offers a columnar store 'database backend' (either DuckDB or Clickouse) which can efficiently store and analyze tens of millions of rows of data.

Unify should be the easiest way to pull data from a REST API and materialize it into a database suitable for SQL analysis.


Establish a connection to the Github API:

> connect
1: aws_costs
2: coda
3: datadog
4: github
Pick a connector: 4
Ok! Let's setup a new github connection.
Specify the schema name (github):
Please provide the configuration parameters:
username (Github user email): johnsmith@example.com
password (Github personal access token): ghp_Jik22xkF88wmzzj8xxks2x2jz
Testing connection...
New github connection created in schema github
The following tables are available, use peek or select to load data:
8 rows
table_name table_schema                                            comment materialized
    pulls       github                                               None            ☐
    repos       github                                               None            ☐
    users       github                                               None            ☐

After creating the connection, you can query your list of repos:

> select id, name, owner_login, open_issues_count from github.repos;
Loading data for table: github.repos
id                                  name owner_login      open_issues_count
51189180                     dep-checker linuxfoundation             74
51713527                    code-janitor linuxfoundation              0
63492894                    foss-barcode linuxfoundation             30

Getting started

Install Unify:

$ pip install unifydb

And run:

$ unify

When you first run you need to choose your database backend. DuckDB is simpler to get started with (and supported on Windows), but it doesn't handle access from multiple processes well. Clickhouse is a little more work to setup, but works a lot better with other tools like BI tools. If you are running on Windows, you can get a cloud Clickhouse instance at clickhouse.com or run it inside a linux virtual machine.

All configuration data is stored into $HOME/unify. Set UNIFY_HOME in your environment if you want to store config data somewhere else.

Checkout the tutorial to get an overview of using Unify to work with your data.

Learning more


  • This is alpha software. Use at your own risk! Good news is that API connectors only read data. If you want to examine the code which interacts with your systems, checkout the RESTConnector.
  • The schema and table layout are not stable yet, so upgrading Unify may change the database layout.
  • Test coverage is poor and bugs are numerous.


Tests use pytest and the project overall uses poetry.