
Plone addon for making persistent SOAP requests

Python, Plone
pip install unikold.connector==1.0a3



Plone-Addon for making cachable queries to API endpoints supporting following protocols:

  • Plain XML
  • SOAP (using a fast and modern Python SOAP client: zeep)
  • LDAP

Can be easily extended.



  1. Add unikold.connector to your buildout
  2. Install via prefs_install_products_form
  3. Create a SOAPQueriesFolder
  • For security reasons SOAPQueriesFolder are not globally addable by default - to be able to add it you need to allow adding this content type at the desired location temporarily
  • In this folder all queries will be stored
  • Maybe you also want to exclude it from navigation
  1. Set path to this folder in @@unikold-connector-controlpanel
  2. If you want to make use of LSF-Queries you also have to define settings in @@unikold-connector-lsf-controlpanel
  3. If you want to make use of LDAP-Queries you also have to define settings in @@unikold-connector-ldap-controlpanel


Soap Requests

After installing this addon you can make SOAP requests like this:

from unikold.connector.soap import SOAPConnector
soapConnector = SOAPConnector(
    'http://webservices.daehosting.com/services/isbnservice.wso?WSDL',  # URL to WSDL file
    'IsValidISBN13',                                                    # name of the method
    '9783492700764',                                                    # method parameter
    24                                                                  # lifetime of this request in hours
response = soapConnector.get()

If the request already exists and its lifetime did not expire soapConnector simply returns the stored response. If the request exists but is outdated it will be updated before returning the response. If the request does not yet exist, a new object will be created. Its path will be {SOAP-Queries-Folder}.{WSDL-URL}.{Methodname}.{Parameter} (where {SOAP-Queries-Folder} has to be specified in the controlpanel of this addon - otherwise a folder will be created at your sites' root).

To get the corresponding query object:

queryObject = soapConnector.getQuery()

Above example without this addon would look like this (remember no persistent objects, no caching):

from zeep import Client
url = 'http://webservices.daehosting.com/services/isbnservice.wso?WSDL'
client = Client(url)
response = client.service.IsValidISBN13('9783492700764')

XML Requests

Make a XML request (which will be cached 24 hours):

from unikold.connector.xml import XMLConnector
xmlConnector = XMLConnector(
    queryParams=['prename=Peter', 'surname=Lustig'],  # query parameters (optional)
    basicAuthCredentials=('username', 'password')  # credentials for basic authentication (optional)
xmlData = xmlConnector.get()
# xmlData is a lxml.etree object:

LDAP Requests

from unikold.connector.ldap import LDAPSearchConnector
searchFilter = 'mail=mbarde@uni-koblenz.de'
ldapConnector = LDAPSearchConnector(searchFilter=searchFilter)
resultList = ldapConnector.get()

This example only works if you set the LDAP default options in @@unikold-connector-ldap-controlpanel.

If you did not set defaults or want to use different values for these options you can also set them explicitly for each query:

from unikold.connector.ldap import LDAPSearchConnector
searchFilter = 'mail=mbarde@uni-koblenz.de'
ldapConnector = LDAPSearchConnector(
    address='ldap://[...]', port=389, baseDN='dc=[...]',
    searchFilter=searchFilter, username='uid=[...]', password='****',
    queryLifetimeInHours=24, excludeFromAutoUpdate=True
resultList = ldapConnector.get()

Automate updating of queries

Use Zope clock server to call unikold.connector.update (user must have permission cmf.ManagePortal):

zope-conf-additional =
       method /SiteName/unikold.connector.update
       period 2880
       user username
       password *****
       host hostname.com

Parameters explained in detail here: https://docs.plone.org/develop/plone/misc/asyncronoustasks.html#clock-server

Updating big amounts of queries can take a while so its advisable to run the task on a dedicated client.

To create a query which should be excluded from automatic updates you have to pass excludeFromAutoUpdate=True to the corresponding connector.

Automate cleanup of stale queries

Analogous to the usage of unikold.connector.update you can use the endpoint unikold.connector.cleanup to remove stale query objects. After how many days a query is considered as stale can be specified at @@unikold-connector-controlpanel.

Error logging

By default errors in requests generated by this addon are handled quietly to ensure full functionality even when requested endpoints are not reachable or broken. Nevertheless you can add collective.sentry to your buildout in order to log those errors.


Before you can run the tests you need to create a file called config.py in the tests folder, containing following constants:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
soap_test_url = u'http://webservices.daehosting.com/services/isbnservice.wso?WSDL'
soap_test_method = u'IsValidISBN13'
soap_test_method_parameter = u'9783492700764'

xml_test_url = u'https://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php?format=xml&action=query&prop=extracts&exintro&explaintext&redirects=1&titles=Rick_and_Morty'

# config data needed for XML auth tests
xml_basic_auth_url = u''
xml_basic_auth_username = u''
xml_basic_auth_password = u''

# config data needed for LSF tests
lsf_wsdl_url = u'[...]/qisserver/services/dbinterface?WSDL'
lsf_test_object_type = u''  # LSF object type
lsf_test_conditions = []
lsf_auth_test_object_type = u''
lsf_auth_test_conditions = []
lsf_wsdl_search_url = u'[...]/qisserver/services/soapsearch?WSDL'
lsf_search_test_method_parameter = u''
lsf_auth_username = u''
lsf_auth_password = u''

# config data needed for LDAP tests
ldap_server_address = u'ldap://[...]'
ldap_server_port = 389
ldap_server_base_dn = u''
ldap_search_username = u''
ldap_search_password = u''
  • bin/test
  • bin/code-analysis

TypeError: string indices must be integers

Make sure this fix has been applied to zeep: https://github.com/mvantellingen/python-zeep/pull/657/commits/a2b7ec0296bcb0ac47a5d15669dcb769447820eb


The project is licensed under the GPLv2.