
Client library to query SurrealDB databases.

pip install unofficial-surreal-database==0.1.0


SurrealDB Python client library.

Code style: black Pypi Version

An unofficial client library for SurrealDB using httpx.


pip install unofficial-surreal-database


This library includes a SurrealDB class that can be used to interact with the SurrealDB server.


The SurrealDB class is the main class for interacting with the SurrealDB server. Additionally, AsyncSurrealDB, uses the same API as SurrealDB, but uses httpx.AsyncClient instead of httpx.Client. This is useful for asynchronous applications.

Both classes can be instantiated with the following arguments:

  • username (str): The username to use when connecting to the server.
  • password (str): The password to use when connecting to the server.
  • namespace (str): The namespace to query.
  • database (str): The database to query.
  • url (str): The URL to connect to. Defaults to http://localhost:8000/sql (the default port for SurrealDB).

The SurrealDB class can be used as a context manager, which will automatically close the httpx.Client connection when the context is exited.

The SurrealDB class has the following methods:


Signs in to the SurrealDB server. This method can be used to sign in to the server if the SurrealDB instance was instantiated without a username and password.

from surrealdb import SurrealDB

with SurrealDB() as db:
    db.signin(username="root", password="root")


Same as SurrealDB.signin.


Sets the namespace and database to use for queries.

from surrealdb import SurrealDB

with SurrealDB() as db:
    db.use(namespace="my_namespace", database="my_database")


Queries the SurrealDB server.

from surrealdb import SurrealDB

with SurrealDB() as db:
    db.signin(username="root", password="root")
    db.use(namespace="my_namespace", database="my_database")
    result = db.query("SELECT * FROM users")

    >>> result
            "id": 1,
            "name": "John Doe",
            "id": 2,
            "name": "Jane Doe",

Wrapper on SurrealDB.query that allows you to select a table, or record from a table.

from surrealdb import SurrealDB

with SurrealDB() as db:
    db.signin("root", "root")
    db.use("test", "test")

    result ="users")
    >>> result
            "id": 1,
            "name": "John Doe",
            "id": 2,
            "name": "Jane Doe",

    result ="users:2")
    >>> result
            "id": 2,
            "name": "Jane Doe",


Create a record in the database.

Takes keyword arguments for the record to create, and a first parameter as the record, or record and identifier.

from surrealdb import SurrealDB

with SurrealDB() as db:
    db.signin("root", "root")
    db.use("test", "test")

    result = db.create("users:1", name="John Doe")
    >>> result
            "id": 1,
            "name": "John Doe",


Change a record in the database.

Takes keyword arguments for the record to change, and a first parameter as the record and identifier.

from surrealdb import SurrealDB

with SurrealDB() as db:
    db.signin("root", "root")
    db.use("test", "test")

    result = db.change("users:1", age=42)
    >>> result
            "id": 1,
            "name": "John Doe",
            "age": 42,


Delete a record in the database.

Takes a first parameter as the record and identifier, with an optional where parameter, to delete all items that match the where clause.

from surrealdb import SurrealDB

with SurrealDB() as db:
    db.signin("root", "root")
    db.use("test", "test")

    result = db.delete("users", where="age > 40")
    >>> result


Manually close the httpx.Client connection. This is done for you when using the SurrealDB class as a context manager.


The Reference class is used to represent a reference to a record in the database. It can be instantiated with the following arguments:

  • table (str): The table the record exists in.
  • record_id (str): The record identifier.

The Reference class has no methods for ease of use.

from surrealdb import Reference, SurrealDB

with SurrealDB() as db:
    db.signin("root", "root")
    db.use("test", "test")

    db.create("category:work", name="Work")
        category=Reference("category", "work"),

    result = db.query(
        SELECT * 
            category = category:work 

    >>> result
            "category": {
                "id": "category:work", 
                "name": "Work"
            "id": "note:1", 
            "title": "Meeting"