
De-clutter a list of URLs

pip install urless==2.1


About - v0.3

This is a tool used to de-clutter a list of URLs. As a starting point, I took the amazing tool uro by Somdev Sangwan. But I wanted to change a few things, make some improvements (like deal with GUIDs) and make it more customisable.


urless supports Python 3.

$ git clone https://github.com/xnl-h4ck3r/urless.git
$ cd urless
$ python setup.py install

If you would prefer to use urless instead of python3 urless.py, you could add an alias to your .bashrc file for example:

$ echo "alias urless='python3 $PWD/urless.py'" >> ~/.bashrc
$ source ~/.bashrc


Arg Long Arg Description
-i --input A file of URLs to de-clutter.
-o --output The output file that will contain the de-cluttered list of URLs (default: output.txt). If piped to another program, output will be written to STDOUT instead.
-fk --filter-keywords A comma separated list of keywords to exclude links (if there no parameters). This will override the FILTER_KEYWORDS list specified in config.yml
-fe --filter-extensions A comma separated list of file extensions to exclude. This will override the FILTER_EXTENSIONS list specified in config.yml
-v --verbose Verbose output

What does it do exactly?

You basically pass a list of URLs in (from a file, or pipe from STDIN), and get a de-cluttered file or URLs out. But in what way are they de-cluttered? I'll explain this below, but first here are some terms that will be used:

  • FILTER-EXTENSIONS: This refers to the list of extensions that can either be passed with -fe, specified with FILTER_EXTENSIONS in the config.yml, or if neither of those exist, a default list of .css,.ico,.jpg,.jpeg,.png,.bmp,.svg,.img,.gif,.mp4,.flv,.ogv,.webm,.webp,.mov,.mp3,.m4a,.m4p,.scss,.tif,.tiff,.ttf,.otf,.woff,.woff2,.bmp,.ico,.eot,.htc,.rtf,.swf,.image.
  • FILTER-KEYWORDS: This refers to the list of keywords that can either be passed with -fk, specified with FILTER_KEYWORDS in the config.yml, or if neither of those exist, a default list of blog,article,news,bootstrap,jquery,captcha,node_modules
    • A section of the URL path contains more than 3 dashes (-), BUT isn't a GUID. This implies human written content, e.g. how-to-hack-the-planet)
    • The URL contains /YYYY/MM/ , e.g. a year, month . This is usually static content such as a blog

Here's what happens:

  • If a URL has port 80 or 443 explicitly given, then remove it from the URL (e.g. http://example.com:80/test -> http://example.com/test)
  • If the URL has any FILTER-EXTENSIONS, it will be removed from the output.
  • If the URL has NO parameters:
    • If the URL contains a FILTER-KEYWORDS or UNWANTED-CONTENT, it will be removed.
    • If the URL path contains a GUID, only one of the GUIDs will be included if there are multiple URLs where the GUID is the only difference.
    • If the URL path contains an Integer ID, only one of the Integer IDs will be included if there are multiple URLs where the Integer ID is the only difference.
  • Else the URL has Parameters (or a fragment #):
    • If there are multiple URLs with the same parameters, then only URLs with unique parameter values are included.
    • If there are URL's with a Parameter, but no value (or a fragment), then this will be included.


Basic use

cat target_urls.txt | python3 urless.py


python3 urless.py -i target_urls.txt

Capture output

cat target_urls.txt | python3 urless.py > output.txt


python3 urless.py -i target_urls.txt -o output.txt


The config.yml file has the keys which can be updated to suit your needs:

  • FILTER_KEYWORDS - A comma separated list of keywords (e.g. blog,article,news etc.) that URLs are checked against in certain circumstances.
  • FILTER_EXTENSIONS - A comma separated list of file extensions (e.g. .css,.jpg,.jpeg etc.) that all URLs are checked against. If a URL includes any of the strings then it will be excluded from the output.


If you come across any problems at all, or have ideas for improvements, please feel free to raise an issue on Github. If there is a problem, it will be useful if you can provide the exact command you ran and a detailed description of the problem. If possible, run with -v to reproduce the problem and let me know about any error messages that are given.


  • Add a -rcid/--regex-custom-id argument that allows a user to add a custom ID regex that may be specific to a target.

And finally...

Good luck and good hunting! If you really love the tool (or any others), or they helped you find an awesome bounty, consider BUYING ME A COFFEE! (I could use the caffeine!)

🤘 /XNL-h4ck3r