
A tool to help you build a signup and login system

pip install user-Identification-System==0.0.9


User Identifier System (uis)

User Identifier System is a tool you can use to create a cool an easy login and signup system.

Version details

Current version: 0.0.91

  1. autotask feature was removed.
  2. System can now log user's actions and save them in a log.txt file.
  3. Contains important bugs and error fixes.


Note: This is a python package. It will not work without python 🤣!
Install the UserIdentificationSystem with the command:

pip install user-Identification-System
pip install pypasstools

Example codes [Mini documentary]

Import command

To import UserIdentificationSystem into your code, use the following command:

import UserIdentificationSystem as uis

A basic signup and login system

In the UserIdentificationSystem package, there is a class that allows users to register, login, and signup using a username and a password. The class is called Basic().

Parameter Default value Description Data Type
filename REQUIRED PARAMETER The name of the database the user's credentials will be stored. The Basic() class will automatically create and initialise a new database with this name. string
log False If set to True, the system will automatically log user's actions to a "log.txt" file. boolean
import UserIdentificationSystem as uis
import passtools # Package comes installed

controller = uis.Basic("user", log=False)
mode = input("Do you want to login(1) or signup(2) or delete account(3): ")

if mode == "1":
    username = input("Enter your username: ")
    password = passtools.passask("Enter your password: ", do_hash=False)
    if controller.login(username, password):
        print("Welcome " + controller.username)
        print("Access denied")
elif mode == "2":
    username = input("Create your username: ")
    password = input("Create your password: ")
    if controller.signup(username, password):
        print("Account created " + controller.username)
        if controller.username_is_valid(username) == False:
            print("Username " + username + "  already exists.")
            print("Account creation failed")
    username = input("Enter your username: ")
    password = passtools.passask("Enter your password: ", do_hash=False)
    if controller.deluser(username, password):
        print("Account deleted. Bye {}. We were having a good time".format(controller.username))
        print("Error occurred! Invalid credentials.")


Case 1

>> Do you want to login(1) or signup(2) or delete account(3): 2
>> Create a username: uis_learner
>> Create a password for security: 1111
Account created uis_learner

Case 2

>> Do you want to login(1) or signup(2) or delete account(3): 1
>> Enter your username: uis_learner
>> Enter your password: [PASSWORD IS NOT ECHOED]
Welcome uis_learner

Case 3

>> Do you want to login(1) or signup(2) or delete account(3): 3
>> Enter your username: uis_learner
>> Enter your password: [PASSWORD IS NOT ECHOED]
Account deleted. Bye uis_learner. we were having a good time 

A more secure signup and login system

In the UserIdentificationSystem package, there is a class that allows users to register, login, and signup using a username and 2 passwords. The class is called ExtraPass().

Parameter Default value Description Data Type
filename REQUIRED PARAMETER The name of the database the user's credentials will be stored. The Basic() class will automatically create and initialise a new database with this name. string
log False If set to True, the system will automatically log user's actions to a "log.txt" file. boolean


In the signup(), you have to pass the user's username, password and an extra password. Then it will store it in the database. The signup() returns true if the process went well. You will get false when the username is already taken by some other user

username = input("Please make a username: ")
password = input("Please make a password: ")
extra = input("Please make an extra password for security: ")

if controller.signup(username, password, extra) == True:
    print("Account created")
    print("Username is already in use")


In the login(), you have to pass the user's username, password and their extra password. It will return true is the user is identified, or else it will return false

username = input("Please enter your username: ")
password = input("Please enter your password: ")
extra_password = input("Please enter your extra password: ")

if controller.login(username, password, extra_password):
    print("Hello " + username)
    print("Access denied")


The deluser() function allows you to delete a user's account. You need to pass in the username, password and extra password for confirmation. It will return True if it is deleted and False if it didn't go well.
Note: Once it is deleted, there is no turning back

username = input("Please enter your username: ")
password = input("Please enter your password: ")
extra = input("Please enter your extra password: ")

if controller.deluser(username, password, extra) == True:
    print("Hello " + username)
    print("Error occured")

If the deluser() returns false:

  1. It maybe because the username or password don't match.
  2. The account doesn't exist.
  3. There was some error in the deletion process (This is rare case).


The get_usernames() function will return a list of usernames who already signup in your system.



["test", "test2", "uis_learner"]


This is a helpful function when user wants to check if a username exists and is not in use by someone else.
You have to pass in a username that you want to check. It will return True if the username valid (Not used by another user) and False if the username is invalid (Used by another user).




You have to end your programme with this function so that everything is completely safe and secure!

Important variables [BOTH Basic() AND ExtraPass()]

  1. controller.username
    Contains the most recent username used in the system.
  2. controller.filename This will give you the filename you have given to the database which stores the user's credentials.