
Flask blueprint that provides all the user handling features that are required by a web application in a database-independent way, including user registration, login, session management, password reset functionality with JWTs, automatic password hashing with Argon2 and of course the all the required route implementations with the corresponding HTML templates (styled using BlueprintJS).

flask, blueprint, user, authentication, login, registration, session, templates, argon2, flask-blueprints, jwt, python, python3, user-management
pip install user-blueprint==0.1.1


Flask user handler blueprint

Lightweight Flask blueprint that provides all the user handling features that are required by a web application in a database-independent way, including:

  • User registration, login and session management.
  • Password reset functionality with JWTs.
  • Automatic, safe password handling using Argon2.

The blueprint provides the following routes for a web application: /login, /logout, /register, /request_password_reset, /reset/<token> and /verify/<token>. All these routes interact with the user database through an instance of the UserHandler class that is a decorator-based database interface, similar in style to Flask-Login's LoginManager. All the blueprint routes are backed by ready-to-use HTML templates that are formatted using BlueprintJS.


The project is available on PyPI as user-blueprint, you can install it with pip install user-blueprint.

How to use

The blueprint requires the following components to be configured:

  • blueprint.user_handler: See the documentation of the UserHandler class for the details.
  • LoginManager: This Flask-Login component handles the session management of the Flask application. You need to create an instance of this class and configure it according to the documentation of Flask-Login.

A working demo Flask application showing all the required configuration is included in the library, see


The library requires the following dependencies to be installed besides Flask itself.

  • Flask-Login: User session management.
  • Flask-WTF: WTForms integration for Flask.
  • Passlib: Password hashing and verification.
  • PyJWT: JSON Web Token implementation in Python.
  • Argon2_cffi: The preferred Argon2 backend for Passlib. See Passlib's documentation for more options.

License - MIT

The library is open-sourced under the conditions of the MIT license.


Miguel Grinberg's Flask Mega-Tutorial