
Radiation protection quantities for x-rays with uncertainties using SpekPy and Monte Carlo techniques

monte, carlo, spectrum, uncertainty, x-rays
pip install uspekpy==1.0.0


USpekPy iconUSpekPy

Radiation protection quantities for x-rays with uncertainties

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Table of Contents

What is USpekPy?

USpekPy is a Python package that allows to compute mean radiation protection quantities for a simulated x-ray spectrum with uncertainties using Monte Carlo techniques. It is an open source, GPLv3-licensed library for the Python programming language. It is compatible with Python 3. USpekPy is based on the SpekPy package, which is a Python software toolkit for modelling the x-ray spectra from x-ray tubes.

Main features of USpekPy

USpekPy provides three features:

  • Compute mean values of radiation protection quantities of an x-ray spectrum simulated using SpekPy. Specifically, it allows to compute the mean energy, the air kerma and the mean air kerma-to-dose-equivalent conversion coefficient.
  • Compute mean radiation protection quantities of an x-ray spectrum simulated using SpekPy with uncertainties using Monte Carlo techniques. Specifically, it allows to compute the first and second half-value layer for aluminium and copper, the mean energy, the air kerma and the mean air kerma-to-dose-equivalent conversion coefficient.
  • Perform batch simulation to compute the mean values and uncertainties of radiation protection quantities for several x-ray spectra simulated with SpekPy.

How to install USpekPy?

USpekPy can be installed from the Python Package Index (PyPI) by running the following command from a terminal:

pip install uspekpy

Quick user guide

Units and uncertainties

All the uncertainties are standard uncertainties, i.e., with a coverage factor of k = 1. The units of relative uncertainties are expressed as fraction of one. The next table shows the units of the quantities used in the package.

Quantity Unit
Distance mm
Voltage kV
Angle deg
Energy keV
Fluence 1/cm²
Mass energy transfer coefficients of air cm²/g
Air kerma uGy
Mono-energetic K to H conversion coefficients Sv/Gy

Compute mean radiation protection quantities

This first example shows how to compute the mean values of some radiation protection quantities of an x-ray spectrum simulated using SpekPy. The considered x-ray spectrum is the one corresponding to the radiation quality N-60, which is obtained using 60 KeV of peak kilovoltage in the x-ray tube and filters of aluminum (4 mm) and copper (0.6 mm). The considered operational quantity is ambient dose equivalent, H*(10), with a radiation incidence angle of 0º at a distance of 1 m from the x-ray tube. The tool that USpekPy provides to do this is the SpekWrapper class.

The next python script shows how to compute the first and second half-value layers for aluminium and copper, the mean energy, the air kerma and the mean air kerma-to-dose-equivalent conversion coefficient.

from uspekpy import SpekWrapper

# Define x-ray beam parameters for radiation quality N-60 (filter thickness, peak kilovoltage and anode angle)
my_filters = [
  ('Al', 4),  # mm
  ('Cu', 0.6),  # mm
  ('Sn', 0),  # mm
  ('Pb', 0),  # mm
  ('Be', 0),  # mm
  ('Air', 1000)  # mm
my_kvp = 60  # kV
my_th = 10  # deg

# Define path to CSV file containing mass energy transfer coefficients of air in terms of the energy
my_mu_csv = 'data/mu_tr_rho.csv'

# Define path to CSV file containing the monoenergetic air kerma-to-dose-equivalent conversion coefficients for H*(10)
my_hk_csv = 'data/h_k_h_amb_10.csv'

# Initialize an SpeckWrapper object and add filters
spectrum = SpekWrapper(kvp=my_kvp, th=my_th)

# Calculate half-value layers for aluminum and copper
hvl1_al = spectrum.get_hvl1()
hvl2_al = spectrum.get_hvl2()
hvl1_cu = spectrum.get_hvl1(matl='Cu')
hvl2_cu = spectrum.get_hvl2(matl='Cu')

# Calculate mean energy
mean_energy = spectrum.get_mean_energy()

# Calculate mean air kerma
mean_kerma = spectrum.get_air_kerma(mass_transfer_coefficients=my_mu_csv)

# Calculate mean air kerma-to-dose-equivalent conversion coefficient for H*(10)
mean_hk = spectrum.get_mean_conversion_coefficient(
  mass_transfer_coefficients=my_mu_csv, conversion_coefficients=my_hk_csv)

# Print results
print(f'First HVL for Al: {hvl1_al} mm')
print(f'Second HVL for Al: {hvl2_al} mm')
print(f'First HVL for Cu: {hvl1_cu} mm')
print(f'Second HVL for Cu: {hvl2_cu} mm')
print(f'Mean energy: {mean_energy} keV')
print(f'Air kerma: {mean_kerma} uGy')
print(f'Mean conversion coefficient for H*(10): {mean_hk} Sv/Gy')

The script output is:

First HVL for Al: 5.904510251136515 mm
Second HVL for Al: 6.239790098050192 mm
First HVL for Cu: 0.23502729534875702 mm
Second HVL for Cu: 0.2624330033450075 mm
Mean energy: 47.797974735384756 keV
Air kerma: 1.5902735973543143 uGy
Mean conversion coefficient for H*(10): 1.5909359863722154 Sv/Gy

Compute mean radiation protection quantities with uncertainties

This second example shows how to compute the mean values and uncertainties of some radiation protection quantities of an x-ray spectrum simulated using SpekPy. The considered x-ray spectrum is the one corresponding to the radiation quality N-60, which is obtained using 60 KeV of peak kilovoltage in the x-ray tube and filters of aluminum (4 mm) and copper (0.6 mm). The considered operational quantity is ambient dose equivalent, H*(10), with a radiation incidence angle of 0º at a distance of 1 m from the x-ray tube. The tool that USpekPy provides to do this is the USpek class.

The next python script shows how to compute the first and second half-value layers for aluminium and copper, the mean energy, the air kerma and the mean air kerma-to-dose-equivalent conversion coefficient.

from uspekpy import USpek

# Define values and relative uncertainty (k=1) of x-ray beam parameters for radiation quality N-60
# (filter thickness, peak kilovoltage and anode angle)
my_beam = {
    'kVp': (60, 0.01),  # mm, fraction of one
    'th': (20, 0.01),  # mm, fraction of one
    'Al': (4, 0.01),  # mm, fraction of one
    'Cu': (0.6, 0.01),  # mm, fraction of one
    'Sn': (0, 0),  # mm, fraction of one
    'Pb': (0, 0),  # mm, fraction of one
    'Be': (0, 0),  # mm, fraction of one
    'Air': (1000, 0.01)  # mm, fraction of one

# Define path to CSV file containing mass energy transfer coefficients of air in terms of the energy
my_mu_csv = 'data/mu_tr_rho.csv'

# Define path to CSV file containing the monoenergetic air kerma-to-dose-equivalent conversion coefficients for H*(10)
my_hk_csv = 'data/h_k_h_amb_10.csv'

# Define relative uncertainty (k=1) of mass energy transfer coefficients of air
my_mu_std = 0.01  # fraction of one

# Initialize a USpekPy object with the defined beam parameters, mass energy transfer coefficients of air
# and monoenergetic air kerma-to-dose-equivalent conversion coefficients for H*(10)
s = USpek(beam_parameters=my_beam, mass_transfer_coefficients=my_mu_csv,
          mass_transfer_coefficients_uncertainty=my_mu_std, conversion_coefficients=my_hk_csv)

# Run simulation with a given number of iterations
df = s.simulate(simulations_number=3)

# Define the path of the output file where the simulation results will be saved
my_output_csv = 'output/output.csv'

# Save results to a CSV file
df.to_csv(my_output_csv, index=True)

# Print results

The script output is a table containing the randomly sampled values of the beam parameters and the computed mean radiation protection quantities of the simulated x-ray spectrum for each iteration of the Monte Carlo simulation. It also contains their mean values and standard uncertainties (k=1). The units are kV for the peak kilovoltage, deg for the anode angle, mm for the filter thickness, air gap and half-value layers, keV for the mean energy, Gy for the air kerma and Sv/Gy for the mean air kerma-to-dose-equivalent conversion coefficient.

                      #   kVp (kV)   th (deg)    Air (mm)   Al (mm)   Cu (mm)  Sn (mm)  Pb (mm)  Be (mm)  HVL1 Al (mm)  HVL2 Al (mm)  HVL1 Cu (mm)  HVL2 Cu (mm)  Mean energy (keV)  Air kerma (uGy)  Mean conv. coeff. (Sv/Gy)
0           Iteration 1  59.929717  20.070882  996.150291  4.031398  0.591599      0.0      0.0      0.0      5.831812      6.172730      0.230861      0.258297          47.538305         1.599452                   1.585449
1           Iteration 2  59.534814  20.485473  996.406825  4.003680  0.589934      0.0      0.0      0.0      5.781268      6.117909      0.227873      0.254629          47.303424         1.533225                   1.581466
2           Iteration 3  59.596255  19.678848  996.920532  3.935728  0.606411      0.0      0.0      0.0      5.826152      6.157480      0.230388      0.256981          47.453653         1.488258                   1.585720
3                  Mean  59.686929  20.078401  996.492549  3.990269  0.595981      0.0      0.0      0.0      5.813078      6.149373      0.229707      0.256636          47.431794         1.540312                   1.584211
4    Standard deviation   0.173500   0.329346    0.320239  0.040192  0.007406      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.022611      0.023103      0.001311      0.001517           0.097127         0.045670                   0.001945
5  Relative uncertainty   0.002907   0.016403    0.000321  0.010073  0.012427      NaN      NaN      NaN      0.003890      0.003757      0.005708      0.005913           0.002048         0.029650                   0.001228

Compute batch simulation for several x-ray spectra

This third example shows how to perform batch simulation to compute the mean values and uncertainties of radiation protection quantities for several x-ray spectra simulated with SpekPy. The considered x-ray spectrum is the one corresponding to the radiation quality N-60, which is obtained using 60 KeV of peak kilovoltage in the x-ray tube and filters of aluminum (4 mm) and copper (0.6 mm). The considered operational quantity is ambient dose equivalent, H*(10), with a radiation incidence angle of 0º at a distance of 1 m from the x-ray tube. The tool that USpekPy provides to do this is the batch_simulation() function.

To perform the batch simulation you need and input file where the parameters of each simulation are specified. This can be a CSV file or an Excel file.

  • First column: simulation parameters' names: The first column contain the names of the quantities used as simulation parameters. They are grouped in general parameters (radiation quality, operational quantity, irradiation angle and number of simulations), value parameters (filters thickness, air gap, peak kilovoltage, anode angle, mass energy transfer coefficients of air and monoenergetic air kerma-to-dose-equivalent conversion coefficients) and relative uncertainty parameters (filters thickness, air gap, peak kilovoltage, anode angle, mass energy transfer coefficients). Units of value parameters are specified in the column. Relative uncertainties are fractional uncertainties, i.e., they are expressed as fractions of one. The name of the parameters must not be changed, since they are used for data parsing.
  • Next columns: simulation parameters' values: The next columns contain the values of the simulation parameters, one column for each simulation case.

The next table shows the content of the input file for this example.

                                                                                    Case1                  Case2
General                                                                               NaN                    NaN
Quality                                                                              N-60                   N-60
Operational quantity                                                               H*(10)                 H*(10)
Irradiation angle (deg)                                                                 0                      0
Number of simulations                                                                   3                      3
Values                                                                                NaN                    NaN
Al filter width (mm)                                                                    4                      4
Cu filter width (mm)                                                                  0.6                    0.6
Sn filter width (mm)                                                                    0                      0
Pb filter width (mm)                                                                    0                      0
Be filter width (mm)                                                                    0                      0
Air gap width (mm)                                                                   1000                   1000
Peak kilovoltage (kV)                                                                  60                     60
Anode angle (deg)                                                                      20                     20
Mass energy transfer coefficients of air file (keV and cm²/g)          data/mu_tr_rho.csv     data/mu_tr_rho.csv
Mono-energetic K to H conversion coefficients file (keV and Sv/Gy)  data/h_k_h_amb_10.csv  data/h_k_h_amb_10.csv
Relative uncertainties (k=1)                                                          NaN                    NaN
Al filter width (fraction of one)                                                    0.01                   0.01
Cu filter width (fraction of one)                                                    0.01                   0.01
Sn filter width (fraction of one)                                                       0                      0
Pb filter width (fraction of one)                                                       0                      0
Be filter width (fraction of one)                                                       0                      0
Air gap width (fraction of one)                                                      0.01                   0.01
Peak kilovoltage (fraction of one)                                                   0.01                   0.01
Anode angle (fraction of one)                                                        0.01                   0.01
Mass energy transfer coefficients of air (fraction of one)                           0.01                   0.01               

The next python script shows how to compute the first and second half-value layers for aluminium and copper, the mean energy, the air kerma and the mean air kerma-to-dose-equivalent conversion coefficient for the previous input file in CSV format.

from uspekpy import batch_simulation

# Define the path to the input CSV file
my_csv = 'data/input.csv'

# Call the batch_simulation function with the defined input CSV file
df = batch_simulation(input_file_path=my_csv)

# Define the path of the output file where the simulation results will be saved
my_output_csv = 'output/output.csv'

# Save results to a CSV file
df.to_csv(my_output_csv, index=True)

# Print results

The next python script shows how to compute the first and second half-value layers for aluminium and copper, the mean energy, the air kerma and the mean air kerma-to-dose-equivalent conversion coefficient for the previous input file in Excel format.

from uspekpy import batch_simulation

# Define the path to the input Excel file
my_excel = 'data/input.xlsx'

# Define the name of the sheet in the input Excel file
my_sheet = 'input'

# Call the batch_simulation function with the defined input Excel file and sheet
df = batch_simulation(input_file_path=my_excel, sheet_name=my_sheet)

# Define the path of the output file where the simulation results will be saved
my_output_csv = 'output/output.csv'

# Save results to a CSV file
df.to_csv(my_output_csv, index=True)

# Print results

In both cases, the script output is a table in which the simulation results for each case are concatenated to the input table. Simulation results includes the computed mean values and standard uncertainties (k=1) for the radiation protection quantities of each simulated x-ray spectrum. The units are mm for the half-value layers, keV for the mean energy, Gy for the air kerma and Sv/Gy for the mean air kerma-to-dose-equivalent conversion coefficient.

                                                                                    Case1                  Case2
General                                                                               NaN                    NaN
Quality                                                                              N-60                   N-60
Operational quantity                                                               H*(10)                 H*(10)
Irradiation angle (deg)                                                                 0                      0
Number of simulations                                                                   3                      3
Values                                                                                NaN                    NaN
Al filter width (mm)                                                                    4                      4
Cu filter width (mm)                                                                  0.6                    0.6
Sn filter width (mm)                                                                    0                      0
Pb filter width (mm)                                                                    0                      0
Be filter width (mm)                                                                    0                      0
Air gap width (mm)                                                                   1000                   1000
Peak kilovoltage (kV)                                                                  60                     60
Anode angle (deg)                                                                      20                     20
Mass energy transfer coefficients of air file (keV and cm²/g)          data/mu_tr_rho.csv     data/mu_tr_rho.csv
Mono-energetic K to H conversion coefficients file (keV and Sv/Gy)  data/h_k_h_amb_10.csv  data/h_k_h_amb_10.csv
Relative uncertainties (k=1)                                                          NaN                    NaN
Al filter width (fraction of one)                                                    0.01                   0.01
Cu filter width (fraction of one)                                                    0.01                   0.01
Sn filter width (fraction of one)                                                       0                      0
Pb filter width (fraction of one)                                                       0                      0
Be filter width (fraction of one)                                                       0                      0
Air gap width (fraction of one)                                                      0.01                   0.01
Peak kilovoltage (fraction of one)                                                   0.01                   0.01
Anode angle (fraction of one)                                                        0.01                   0.01
Mass energy transfer coefficients of air (fraction of one)                           0.01                   0.01
Results                                                                              None                   None
HVL1 Al  Mean (mm)                                                               5.895819               5.931133
HVL1 Al  Standard deviation (mm)                                                 0.020477               0.022359
HVL1 Al  Relative uncertainty (fraction of one)                                  0.003473                0.00377
HVL2 Al  Mean (mm)                                                               6.238907               6.275384
HVL2 Al  Standard deviation (mm)                                                 0.017694               0.024303
HVL2 Al  Relative uncertainty (fraction of one)                                  0.002836               0.003873
HVL1 Cu  Mean (mm)                                                               0.234631               0.236732
HVL1 Cu  Standard deviation (mm)                                                  0.00116               0.001351
HVL1 Cu  Relative uncertainty (fraction of one)                                  0.004946               0.005706
HVL2 Cu  Mean (mm)                                                               0.262671               0.265111
HVL2 Cu  Standard deviation (mm)                                                 0.001065               0.001673
HVL2 Cu  Relative uncertainty (fraction of one)                                  0.004053                0.00631
Mean energy  Mean (keV)                                                         47.815274              47.968429
Mean energy  Standard deviation (keV)                                            0.067034               0.104718
Mean energy  Relative uncertainty (fraction of one)                              0.001402               0.002183
Air kerma  Mean (uGy)                                                            1.609083               1.622638
Air kerma  Standard deviation (uGy)                                              0.039089               0.029723
Air kerma  Relative uncertainty (fraction of one)                                0.024293               0.018318
Mean conv. coeff.  Mean (Sv/Gy)                                                  1.589867               1.592054
Mean conv. coeff.  Standard deviation (Sv/Gy)                                    0.001307               0.001274
Mean conv. coeff.  Relative uncertainty (fraction of one)                        0.000822                 0.0008

Data files

For these scripts to work you need to have several data files. The content of these files for the previous examples are show below.

CSV file with the mass energy transfer coefficients of air in terms of the energy (mu_tr_rho.csv):

E (keV),mu_tr/rho (cm^2/g)

CSV file with the monoenergetic air kerma-to-dose-equivalent conversion coefficients for H*(10) (h_k_h_amb_10.csv):

E (keV),h_k(0 deg) (Sv/Gy)

Please note that there must be no zeros or empy-valued energy gaps in these files, since it will lead to errors in the interpolation to the energy values of the x-ray spectrum.

Future developments

In future versions of USpekPy we would like to make the following enhancements:

  • Include the uncertainty contribution of the monoenergetic air kerma-to-dose-equivalent conversion coefficients.
  • Manage zeros or empy-valued energy gaps in data files for mass energy transfer coefficients and monoenergetic air kerma-to-dose-equivalent conversion coefficients.
  • Expand the documentation of the package.

If you have any other suggestions please let us know (please check the Contributing to USpekPy section).

How to get support?

If you need support, please check the USpekPy documentation at GitHub (README).

If you need further support, please send an e-mail to Paz Avilés or to Xandra Campo.


The official documentation of USpekPy is hosted on GitHub. Check its README file for a quick start guide.


USpekPy is developed and maintained by Paz Avilés and Xandra Campo. It is one of the projects of the Ionizing Radiation Metrology Laboratory (LMRI), which is the Spanish National Metrology Institute for ionizing radiation.


USpekPy is distributed under the GNU GPLv3 License.

Contributing to USpekPy

All contributions, bug reports, bug fixes, documentation improvements, enhancements, and ideas are welcome. Please check the USpekPy issues page if you want to contribute.