Create an Elasticsearch index of United States shapefiles, and generate a suggestions index for those locations

pip install usshapes==0.3.0


U.S. Shapes Indexer

Retrieve, convert, and index shapefiles into Elasticsearch, and generate a suggestions index for those locations

The end result will be two new indices on your Elasticsearch: 'shapes' and 'suggestions'. Each shape type (neighborhood, city, state, and zip) is indexed under their respective types. Similarly, for neighborhoods, cities and zip codes, a suggestion type is generated for each that can be used with a completion suggester.


Follow the instructions below for non-Python dependencies, then

pip install usshapes


A runnable module is included that can be used to automate the process of indexing your data. This is the most likely way you want to use this package.

$ [--es-host=<elasticsearch-host>] [[--no-batch] | [--batch-size=]] [--excludes=<excluded-types>] [--skip-shapes] [--skip-suggestions] [--sleep-time=] [--num-shards=] [--num-replicas=]


  • es-host: the elastic search host to use; default: localhost:9200
  • ogre-host: the elastic search host to use; default: localhost:3000
  • no-batch: turn off batch mode
  • batch-size: how large should each batch be; default: 100
  • excludes: comma-separated list of excluded types; possible types: 'neighborhood', 'city', 'state', 'zip'
  • no-shapes: skip creation and indexing of shapes
  • no-suggestions: skip creation and indexing of suggestions
  • sleep-time: time to sleep between bulk index operations, in seconds; default: 0.1
  • num-shards: the number of primary shards to initialize for indices; default 3
  • num-replicas: the number of replicas to initialize for indices; default 0


If you want to use virtualenv:

virtualenv env
source env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

How to install Elasticsearch

Read the docs, yo

How to install dependencies

pip install -r requirements.txt

ogre and GDAL

ESIndexer needs these libraries for converting shapefiles to GeoJSON files. However, there is an ogre instance available online that will obviate the need for a local install of these libraries. The problem with that option, though, is that converting large shapefiles will be a very slow process, and you might even bring down their server.

It is recommended that you install these libraries locally.
./bin/ogre.js -p 3000

Or install globally:

npm install -g ogre
ogre -p 3000

Gotcha! A note about ogre and Big Files

Some of the files downloaded from and are Big Files. The zip archive containing the raw zip code shapefiles is half a gigabyte and it expands to a single GeoJSON file weighing in at around 1.5 GB. The ogre client currently does not accept a command line setting for adjusting the timeout used by the underlying ogr2ogr library to convert the shapefiles to GeoJSON, and its default timeout is 15 seconds. This is not enough time to convert these files. I've submitted a patch to the author of ogre that would allow setting a timeout, but until then, here's what you need to do:

Go to the ogre installation directory where you're running the ogre client from and open up index.js. In the post route for /convert, there should be the following declaration:

var ogr = ogr2ogr(req.files.upload.path)

Change that to:

var ogr = ogr2ogr(req.files.upload.path).timeout(1000000000) # or whatever other suitably large timeout

That should take care of the timeout issues.

Non-script Usage

If you elect to not use the script to automate the task (which I still think you should), the best current documentation for how to use the module is still looking at and seeing how it operates. If there's any demand for proper docs, I'll write them up. Otherwise, I assume you're good.