A python utils library

python, development, utilities, library
pip install utlz==0.9.5



A Python utils library

Build Status Supported Python Versions PyPI Version


Install the latest version of the pypi python package utlz:

pip install utlz


Clone the source code repository:

git clone https://github.com/theno/utlz.git
cd utlz


The fabfile.py contains devel-tasks to be executed with Fabric (maybe you need to install it):

> fab -l

Available commands:

    clean    Delete temporary files not under version control.
    pypi     Build package and upload to pypi.
    pythons  Install latest pythons with pyenv.
    test     Run unit tests.
    tox      Run tox.

# Show task details, e.g. for task `test`:
> fab -d test

Run unit tests.

        args: Optional arguments passed to pytest
        py: python version to run the tests against


        fab test:args=-s,py=py27

At first, set up python versions with pyenv and virtualenvs for development with tox:

fab pythons
fab tox

Tox creates virtualenvs of different Python versions (if they not exist already) and runs the unit tests against each virtualenv.

On Ubuntu 16.04 you must install libpython-dev and libpython3-dev in order to make the tests passing for Python-2.7 and Python-3.5:

sudo apt-get install  libpython-dev  libpython3-dev

# Then, rebuild the non-working Python-2.7 and Python-3.5 virtualenv and
# run the unit tests:
fab tox:'-e py27 -e py35 --recreate'


Run unit tests against several pythons with tox (needs pythons defined in envlist of tox.ini to be installed with pyenv):

python3.6 -m tox

# only against one python version:
python3.6 -m tox -e py27

# rebuild virtual environments:
python3.6 -m tox -r

Run unit tests with pytest (uses tox virtualenv, replace py36 by e.g. py27 where applicable):

PYTHONPATH='.' .tox/py36/bin/python -m pytest

# show output
PYTHONPATH='.' .tox/py36/bin/python -m pytest -s