
A remote control client for Ubiquiti's UVC NVR

pip install uvcclient==0.10.0


Client for Ubiquiti's Unifi Camera NVR


This is extremely raw at the moment. Use at your own risk.

Hopefully this is enough to get you going:

Usage: uvc [options]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -H HOST, --host=HOST  UVC Hostname
  -P PORT, --port=PORT  UVC Port
  -K APIKEY, --apikey=APIKEY
                        UVC API Key
  -v, --verbose
  -d, --dump
  -u UUID, --uuid=UUID  Camera UUID
  --name=NAME           Camera name
  -l, --list
                        Recording mode (none,full,motion)
                        Recording channel (high,medium,low)
  -p, --get-picture-settings
                        Return picture settings as a string
                        Set picture settings with a string like that returned
                        from --get-picture-settings
  --set-led=ENABLED     Enable/Disable front LED (on,off)
  --get-snapshot        Get a snapshot image and write to stdout
  --prune-zones         Prune all but the first motion zone
  --list-zones          List motion zones
  --set-password        Store camera password

For example:

$ export UVC=""
$ uvc --name Porch --recordmode motion --recordchannel high


$ export UVC=""
$ uvc -l
fb9e6d48-6f5a-42b2-8cb4-e3705a99a0e2: Inside                   [    online]
f0579c60-e400-477e-8f89-f8861ef58f80: Parking                  [    online]
998b134e-13ea-4465-ad39-6ad27b067ac4: Spare                    [   offline]
5474242a-51d5-428e-97de-826675068e70: Front Porch              [    online]
715f0725-e7e1-4214-a551-41071c82bacd: Garage                   [    online]

In order to take actions on cameras directly (such as change the LED state on a UVC Micro or get a snapshot from the camera) you need to set the admin password for it. The NVR tells us the username, but we must store the password. To do this:

$ uvc --name Porch --set-password
This will store the administrator password for a camera
for later use. It will be stored on disk obscured, but
NOT ENCRYPTED! If this is not okay, cancel now.

Password set

Then you can do things like get a snapshot from the camera directly:

$ uvc --name Porch --get-snapshot > foo.jpg