
A v2ray subscriber written in python3

v2ray, subscriber, linux, python, python3, subscribe
pip install v2sub==1.2



A v2ray subscriber written in python3


  • multiple subscribes support

  • run system v2ray which can be controlled by systemctl command

  • node delay test is support


The easiest way to get v2sub is to use pip:

pip install v2sub

To install latest development version once:

pip install git+https://github.com/airborne007/v2sub.git@master


NOTE: Before using, I will assume that you have installed v2ray and v2sub

If you have only one subscribe source, usage is really simple. Just do as following steps:

  1. add a subscribe source

    v2sub add [url]
  2. update subscribe

    v2sub update
  3. run and enjoin it(root or sudo is needed)

    v2sub run

    All nodes will be list after update, you should choose one node to run.

More Details

  1. help message

    # v2sub --help
    Usage: v2sub [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
      A v2ray subscriber written in python3
      --help  Show this message and exit.
      add      add a subscribe.
      list     list subscribe nodes.
      ping     test node delay by ping.
      remove   remove subscribe.
      run      start v2ray with an specify node.
      update   update subscribe nodes.
      version  show version
  2. add or update subscribe

    # v2sub add --help
    Usage: v2sub add [OPTIONS] URL
      add a subscribe.
      URL: url of the subscribe
      --name TEXT  name of the subscribe, if not provided, a default name will be
      --help       Show this message and exit.
  3. update subscribe nodes

    # v2sub update --help
    Usage: v2sub update [OPTIONS]
      update subscribe nodes.
      --name TEXT        the name of the subscribe you want to update, if not
                         provided, default subscribe will be updated.
      --all-subs, --all  whether to update all subscribe, default is False.
      --help             Show this message and exit.
  4. list subscribe nodes

    # v2sub list --help
    Usage: v2sub list [OPTIONS]
      list subscribe nodes.
      --name TEXT        the name of the subscribe you want list, if not provided,
                         default subscribe will be listed.
      --all-subs, --all  whether list all subscribe, default is False.
      --help             Show this message and exit.
  5. remove subscribe and it's nodes

    # v2sub remove --help
    Usage: v2sub remove [OPTIONS]
      remove subscribe and it\'s nodes.
      --name TEXT        name of subscribe will be removed, if not provided,
                         default subscribe will be removed.
      --all-subs, --all  whether remove all subscribe, default is False.
      --help             Show this message and exit.
  6. run or switch node

    # v2sub run --help
    Usage: v2sub run [OPTIONS]
      start v2ray with a selected node.
      --name TEXT     the name of the subscribe you want run with. if not
                      provided, the default subscribe will be run.
      --port INTEGER  the local port v2ray client listen on, default is 1080
      --help          Show this message and exit.
  7. test node delay

    Usage: v2sub ping [OPTIONS]
      --name TEXT      the name of the subscribe you want ping with. if not
                       provided, default subscribe will be pinged.
      --index INTEGER  the node of subscribe you want to ping with. if not
                       provided, will test all node delay.
      --help           Show this message and exit.


support more features.


This program can run on all Linux platforms in theory, but I only tested it on Arch Linux and Ubuntu 20.04. If you have any problems with other linux distributions, issue or pull request is welcome.