
A suite of tools for command line analytics

cli, command-line-tool, data-analysis, data-science, data-visualization, statistics
pip install veld==0.1.3



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Veld is a command line processor for multi-dimensional numeric data streams. It can compute basic univariate statistics such as the mean or the variance of a stream of numbers, process the stream by computing logarithms or rounding, or create visualizations of the data stream, among other functionality. Similar projects in this space include st and datamash. What sets Veld apart from these projects is that it also has support for plotting.


Veld is available on PyPI:

$ pip install veld


Currently Veld includes the following commands:

usage: veld [-h] [-V] [--debug] command ...

Below are the available Veld commands. Use veld help <command>
to learn more about each command.

univariate statistics:
  sum           Sum the values in the data stream
  mean          Find the mean (average) of the values in the data stream
  mode          Find the mode of the values in the data stream
  median        Find the median of the values in the data stream
  stdev         Compute the standard deviation of the input stream
  variance      Compute the variance of the input stream
  quantile      Find the given quantile for the data in the stream
  trimmed-mean  Compute the trimmed mean for data in the stream
  summary       Print a summary with commonly-used statistics

extreme values and counts:
  min           Find the minimum of the values in the data stream
  max           Find the maximum of the values in the data stream
  count         Count the number of values in the data stream
  frequency     Print a frequency table of unique values in the stream

filtering values:
  lt            Keep only inputs that are less than a given threshold
  le            Keep only inputs that are less than or equal to a given threshold
  gt            Keep only inputs that are greater than a given threshold
  ge            Keep only inputs that are greater than or equal to a given threshold
  eq            Keep only inputs that equal a given value
  ne            Keep only inputs that are not equal to a given value

math operators:
  log           Compute the logarithm of the input stream
  round         Round the floating point values in the input stream
  cumsum        Compute the cumulative sum of the input stream
  product       Compute the product of values in the data stream
  add           Add number to values in the stream
  subtract      Subtract number from values in the stream
  multiply      Multiply values in the stream by number
  divide        Divide values in the stream by a number
  modulo        Compute the remainder of values in the stream

  lines         Show line plots of the input data
  scatter       Show a scatterplot of two-dimensional data
  histogram     Plot a histogram of the values in the data stream
  barcount      Create a histogram with bars for all unique values in the stream

  paired-ttest  Perform a paired t-test on two-dimensional data
  pass          Pass an input stream through Veld

For more information about Veld, visit:

For example:

$ seq 10 | veld sum

$ seq 10 | veld gt 5

$ seq 10 | veld mean

$ seq 100 | veld gt 50 | veld cumsum | veld log | veld lines
<plot opens>

Documentation on all the commands can be found using:

$ man veld <command>


$ veld help <command>


License: See the LICENSE file.

Author: Gertjan van den Burg.

Why "veld"? Veld is built on top of wilderness, and it's short and didn't conflict with any tab completions I have :)

Veld is a continuation of cli stats.