
Install lessc into your virtualenv

pip install virtual-less==0.0.1a




virtual-less can currently only be installed using install other setup commands are not supported.

This is a small package that installs the less compiler for CSS into you virtual environment without the need of a global installation or the node package manager. The package is based on python-less and currently only installs the latest version of less.

This package does not include node.js and does not specify it as a requirement to be as flexible as possible. If you would like a similarly easy installation of node into your virtualenv you can check out virtual-node.


Installing the lessc commandline compiler is as easy as:

$ pip install virtual-less

that should be it. You should now be able to run the less compiler in you shell. You can check where lessc is installed to confirm that:

$ which lessc

Issues & Contributions

Please let me know if you have any issues, please raise an issue here on the github project.

If you want to contribute, fork this repository and open a pull request with your changes. I'd be happy to include them.


This package is released under the permissive New BSD license.