
Virtual Scanner Tabletop Games

pip install vs-tabletop==1.0.0b1


Virtual Scanner Tabletop Web Games

Virtual Scanner Tabletop is an extension to Virtual Scanner that comprises of educational games about MRI that can be run by simulation or connected to a real educational MRI scanner. Target audience include high school, college, and post-grad students as well as members of the MR and scientific community at large.


Method 1: pip install

  1. On the command line, make a new virtual environment.
  2. pip install vs-tabletop
  3. cd into the main folder called "vstabletop" (venv\Lib\site-packages\vstabletop) and run app.py. Click into the link in the program output (examplee: Log in as admin using password 123456.


(version 1.0.0b5) - You might encounter problems with installing Kiwisolver which requires Visual C++. If you have trouble getting the Visual C++, you can ignore the kiwisolver and perform the following steps:

  1. Install vs-tabletop without dependencies: pip install vs-tabletop==1.0.0b4 --no-deps
  2. After it's installed, find requirements.txt in the vstabletop folder and remove the kiwisolver==1.0.1 line
  3. Install the rest of the requirements: pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. Run app.py the same way as described above. The games should be able to run normally.

Method 2: Cloning

  1. Clone the repository.
  2. Make a virtual environment, activate it, and install everything specified in requirements.txt
  3. cd into the app directory and run questions.py to set up the database.
  4. Run the app in one of two ways: (a) Run app.py using Pycharm or other IDE, or on the command line with python app.py (b) On the command line, set the FLASK_APP variable (set FLASK_APP=app on Windows, or export FLASK_APP=app on non-Windows). Then run the app with: flask run
  5. Click into the link in the program output (example: or copy & paste it into the browser. Log in as admin using password 123456.

Please provide feedback here after you've tried all the beginner games😄: https://forms.gle/HMby4NHcmrTLi5Ai7

Tabletop Games

The eight tabletop games are grouped into 4 pairs, each containing a "beginner" game and an "advanced" game. Games 1, 3, 5, 7 are beginner games and the games 2, 4, 6, 8 are advanced games.

# Game Conceptsr
1 What's in an image? FOV, resolution, windowing
2 K-space magiK projection imaging, k-space
3 Brains, please! contrast, T1/T2/PD, TR/TE/FA
4 Fresh blood flow imaging
5 Proton's got moves M9, precession, RF pulses, signal detection
6 Relaxation station T1 and T2 relaxation, FID
7 Puzzled by projection I 1D and 2D projection (forward)
8 Puzzled by projection II 1D and 2D projection (inverse)


Screenshots are in-development previews of the games. They will be updated at the first release.

Login page


Game navigation


Module 1 (beginner): What's in an image?


Module 2 (beginner): Brains, please!


Module 3 (beginner): Proton's got moves


Module 4 (beginner): Puzzled by Projection I



Brain images from the Coursera Neurohacking in R (https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/ilknuricke/neurohackinginrimages) were used in Game 2.