
A simple gallery app built for Wagtail CMS and Django

Django, Wagtail, gallery
pip install wagtail-gallery==0.1



This is a very basic gallery app that integrates with Wagtail. It allows a person to upload images and order them on a gallery page. Said gallery page then shows the low-res thumbnails, and when clicked it opens up a high res version with captions.

This app is simple, and not feature rich. It does the basics and thats it. I will probably add more features and options to it as time permits, but only if requests are made.

It is also not production ready as there are no tests currently written for it. I did put this up on a site and they have been using it extensively and haven't had any reported issues. That said, apps without tests should always be treated sceptically.

I hope to write tests in a month or so when I get a bit of free time. I also hope to add a bunch of features in the near future.

Please report any errors you encounter. I will try resolve them quickly and then add tests for them as things come up so it doesn't reoccur. Please visit wagtail_gallery git to make pull requests or log issues etc. Documentation is at readthedocs.io: wagtail_gallery documentation


To install run pip install wagtail_gallery

It should automatically install all the necessary dependencies.

Remember to add wagtail_gallery (along with the others mentioned) to your installed apps in settings.py i.e.




I'm not quite sure how far back this app works; however, it should work going back quite far. It's currently tested on Python3 with Wagtail >2 and Django >2 on openSUSE. It should work on all platforms and shouldn't break anytime soon. Let me know if you have a combo that doesn't work and I'll see what I can do to support it.


  1. I haven't implemented sub-categories at all. Its a planned feature.
  2. You can only have one Gallery Root Page at this point in time. I really do want to add the ability to have many. I just haven't gotten round to it. It should be quite simple.
  3. URLs are not yet fully internationalised as /category/ isn't translated. I'll get to this eventually.
  4. All galleries are public. No permissions have been integrated; however, this is a planned feature.