
Tools for using Wagtail API with JavaScript single page apps

pip install wagtail-spa-integration==3.1.0


Wagtail Single Page Application Integration

This project provides some tools for using Wagtail as an API only CMS that a JS application will consume.

It was designed to work with angular-wagtail - but works without Angular if you provide the client integration.


  • Wagtail Redirect API
  • Preview button support (requires saving draft, unlike typical Wagtail)
  • Get page detail view by html_path (faster than find_view's redirect and more compatible with non-browser platforms)
  • Exclude pages by explicit site and/or page type
  • Supports multiple wagtail sites
    • Adds explicit site query parameter to wagtail sitemap.xml function
  • Only adds features, does not break compatibility with Wagtail V2 Pages Endpoint
  • Nothing in this package is Angular specific, you can roll your own JS client to work with this.


  • Install from pypi wagtail-spa-integration
  • Add wagtail_spa_integration to INSTALLED_APPS
  • Ensure API is registered by following Wagtail's API docs. Use wagtail_spa_integration.views.SPAExtendedPagesAPIEndpoint instead of Wagtail's PagesAPIEndpoint.
  • Add the redirect API view in your urls.py as you would for any rest framework ViewSet from wagtail_spa_integration.views import RedirectViewSet
  • In settings.py add PREVIEW_DRAFT_CODE = "anything" to use the preview feature.

Draft Code Security

The draft code is computed from a sha256 hash of the date + PREVIEW_DRAFT_CODE + the page ID. This results in a expiring unique code per page. However that code does not require authentication. This is helpful for sharing the draft with others and avoids problems with using session authentication over several domains.

If your security use case cannot allow a reused code that is also sent as a query parameter and thus may be logged, you should not use the draft preview feature. It's made under the assumption that the data behind it is not very secretive. If you do require secrecy, you should extend the SPAExtendedPagesAPIEndpoint endpoint and implement your own authentication mechanism. If working across domains, this may require token or JWT authentication.

Multiple wagtail sites

Wagtail itself can support a base API url and multiple "sites" For example:

  • api.example.com is the default site where wagtail runs
  • burkesoftware.com is one site served by wagtail
  • passit.io is another site served by the same wagtail instance

This set up would require multiple Wagtail Sites and each Site needs it's own page.

  • api.example.com's page should be a child of the wagtail root page and be set as the default Site.
  • burkesoftware.com's Homepage should be a child of the api.example.com page and have a Site.
  • passit.io's Homepage should be a child of the api.example.com page page and should have a Site.

WAGTAILAPI_BASE_URL must be set in settings.py so that the API shows the correct detail_url in the API.

Sitemap support

If may be useful to explicitly request a sitemap.xml for a specific site. from wagtail_spa_integration.views import sitemap adds a query parameter site for this. Use it exactly as you would wagtail's sitemap. Then add a query parameter like example.com/sitemap.xml?site=2.

Usage with Angular

Follow instructions on Angular-Wagtail.

Usage without angular-wagtail

Review the angular-wagtail project and reimplement it's logic. Essentially you'll need to make a page router that loads pages from the api and connects wagtail pages to your view layer. For example a wagtail page HomePage would need to be connected to a JS HomePageComponent.

It's not likely that I'll be developing other integrations, but if you make an integration for your favorite JS framework I'd be happy to note it here. Angular happens to be a good fit because we can expect certain resources to be available (Router Module, transfer state, etc).


Test fixtures

Create fixtures with ./manage.py dumpdata --natural-foreign --indent 2 -e contenttypes -e auth.permission -e wagtailcore.groupcollectionpermission -e wagtailcore.grouppagepermission -e wagtailimages.rendition -e sessions > data.json

Load fixtures with ./manage.py loaddata data.json

Publish to pypi

Submit a tag starting with the letter v such as v2.0.0 and CI will automatically publish