
A Wallarm FAST CLI tool for executing tests and getting results from the command line.

ci, cli, fast, python, wallarm
pip install wallarm-fast-cli==0.2.3



Wallarm FAST CLI - A simple command line interface for Wallarm FAST. For now, this tool can be used in CI system to create test runs and retrieve detected vulnerabilities.


To install the latest release from PyPI, you can run the following command:
pip install wallarm-fast-cli
Also, you can use docker image:
docker pull registry.gitlab.com/faloker/wallarm-fast-cli


Usage: fast-cli [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Wallarm FAST CLI - A simple command line interface for Wallarm FAST.

  --uuid TEXT    You personal UUID to authorize API calls. Defaults to the
                 value of the env variable WALLARM_UUID.
  --secret TEXT  You personal secret key to authorize API calls. Defaults to
                 the value of the env variable WALLARM_SECRET.
  --help         Show this message and exit.

  check   Check that credentials (UUID and Secret key) are valid.
  create  Create a new test run with provided parameters.
  report  Get all findings from test run by id. Findings will be in JSON

Main purpose of this tool is to create test runs from CI system (i.e. Jenkins), it can be done with create command:

Usage: fast-cli create [OPTIONS]

  -n, --name TEXT             Test run name.  [required]
  -N, --node TEXT             Node name for test execution. No cloud, only
                              node.  [required]
  -D, --desc TEXT             Short description. Defaults to empty decription.
  -P, --policy TEXT           Policy name to apply.
  -T, --tags TEXT             Comma-separated tags to test run.
  -Rt, --rps-total INTEGER    The max number of concurrent requests.
  -Rb, --rps-per-url INTEGER  The max number of concurrent requests for one
                              baseline (unique url).
  --track / --no-track        If set, then test execution will be tracked and
                              all findings will be exported at the end.
  -o, --out-file TEXT         Save report to the file. Otherwise, the results will
                              be output to stdout.
  --help                      Show this message and exit.

Example of command to create test run:
fast-cli create -n awesome_run -N super_node -P my_policy -T fast,cli,test -Rt 200 -Rb 20