A cli tool with an in-place terminal editor to compile over 27 languages instantly using the wandbox api.

wandbox, cli, compile, run, compiler, python
pip install wand-cli==2.1


Wandbox Cli

A cli tool which uses the wandbox api to compile over 26 languages instantly, Wandbox is a social compilation service.

Note: The time for the output totally depends upon how fast your internet can make a post request, it can be as slow as mine or instantaneous


Arch Linux

You can install through the AUR

yay -S wand


You can install it with the python package manager pip

pip install wand-cli

After installing with pip, you will have the command available for you, so you can directly run by

wand [OPTIONS] language


If you run the command without any option provided, you will be asked for the language name and then you can write your code in the terminal directly, and run it by pressing esc + enter


The list command, wand --list or wand -l is used to show the list of languages available.


The file command, wand --file [FILE PATH] or wand -f [FILE PATH] is used to compile a file.


The editor command, wand --editor [editor-name] or wand -e [editor-name] is used to open a temporary buffer in an editor to edit files, the code is run after the editor is closed, note: its recommended to use a terminal editor for this, gui editors can cause unexpected behaviour.


The theme command, wand --theme [theme name] or wand -t [theme name] is used to change the colorscheme for the in-place text editor


The themelist command (wand --themelist or wand -tl) is used to list all the available color schemes.


The help command, wand --help or wand -h shows a brief description on the command.


Here's a list of the languages which are available.

┃    python    ┃      f#      ┃
│     c++      │    scala     │
│      c       │    swift     │
│  javascript  │  typescript  │
│     java     │     vim      │
│   haskell    │     lua      │
│     bash     │     nim      │
│   crystal    │     php      │
│    elixir    │     perl     │
│      d       │     pony     │
│    sqlite    │      go      │
│     lisp     │     ruby     │
│      c#      │ coffeescript │
│     rust     │              │