
Chaining tasks on Google Appengine's (GAE) taskqueue.

google, appengine, gae, taskqueue, deferred
pip install waterf==2.1.0


A convenience module on top of the deferred library that comes with the Google AppEngine (GAE).

In a nutshell:

from waterf import queue, task

        task(remove, id=101),
        task(remove, id=102),
        task(remove, id=103)
    task(email, to='foo@bar.com')

Should be pretty self-explanatory: it first runs the function check_condition, then it runs the function remove three times in parallel, after that it runs email.

To abort execution of a series you either raise queue.PermanentTaskFailure or as a convenience return queue.ABORT. If you return another task, you further defer so to speak: the original task will get resolved (or aborted) as soon as the new (returned) task gets resolved (or aborted).

You use task() exactly the same as you used deferred.defer():

task(check, id=102, _countdown=20)
task(email, to='foo@bar.com', _queue='mailer')

After constructing a task you enqueue() it; the relation to the deferred.defer is roughly speaking:

task(foo, 'bar').enqueue()  <==> deferred.defer(foo, 'bar')
task(foo, 'bar').run()      <==> foo('bar')

Enqueue'ing takes (again) the same options defer took, overruling the ones you used in the constructor, e.g.:

task(foo).enqueue(queue='mailer', countdown=60)

waterf adds two options:

use_id  True | False | str
        Use if you don't come up with a good name to prevent double-scheduling
        The value True means autogenerate a good id, otherwise takes your str
        Defaults to True if a name is not set, otherwise to False

release_after <seconds>
        Determines when the id will be released after your task has finished
        Defaults to 0, immediately

Tasks implement a jquery-like callback interface:

task(foo).then(email_user, email_admin).always(...)

The callbacks must accept as their first argument the message the task sent. But this message passing will likely be dropped in a future version, because it's unused by the library.

On top of the waterf.queue there is some experimental jet set in the waterf.snake module, which implements a ndb.tasklet like api:

from waterf import snake

def A():
    raise snake.Return('A')

def B(): ...

def work():
    anA = yield snake.task(A)
    yield snake.task(B), snake.task(C) ...  # parallel yield


Note that you have to enable the deferred library in your app.yaml

- deferred: on

Thank you.