
command line tool for wcpan.drive

pip install wcpan.drive.cli==1.0.1



Command line tool for wcpan.drive.

This package needs a driver to actually work with a cloud drive.


You will need a core.yaml file in config path. By default it is $HOME/.config/wcpan.drive, but you can change it by --config-prefix flag.

python3 -m wcpan.drive.cli --config-prefix=/path/to/config ...

Here is an example of core.yaml:

version: 1
database: nodes.sqlite
driver: wcpan.drive.google.driver.GoogleDriver
middleware: []

Command Line Usage

Get the latest help:

python3 -m wcpan.drive.cli -h

You need to authorize an user first.

python3 -m wcpan.drive.cli auth

Then you should build local cache. Many commands reliy on this cache to avoid making too many API requests.

Note that this is the ONLY command that will update the cache. Which means after upload, mkdir, remove, rename, you need to run this command to make the cache up-to-date.

python3 -m wcpan.drive.cli sync

The remove command only put files to trash can, it does NOT permanently remove ANY files. Removing a folder will also remove all its descendants.

python3 -m wcpan.drive.cli remove file1 file2 ...