A minimalist command line app for life logging.

lifelogging, whatidid
pip install whatidid==1.5.7


A minimalist command line app for life logging.


  • Python 2.7
  • OSX or Linux
  • Basic knowledge of how to use the command line


You can install wid with either pip or easy_install, I like pip:

$ pip install whatidid

Getting started

You will need to initialize the ~/.widrc file and get your database structure setup before you can use the application.

$ wid init


You can update your updates by using wid update command:

$ wid update -m "This is my status" -t tag1,tag2,tag3

You can list all of your updates by using the wid update-show command:

$ wid update-show
Monday: This is my status
Tuesday: Did something

You can list all of your updates from a specific week by using the -w flag:

$ wid update-show -w 46
Monday: I did this
Tuesday: tag1,tag2: This is what I did today
Tuesday: tag1: I did something else

You can email someone by the wid-update-mail command:

$ wid-update-mail user@example.com

Note: This will be moved into the wid command soonish.

You can item your todo by using wid todo command:

$ wid todo -m "This is what I need to do"

You can list all of your todos by using the wid todo-show command:

$ wid todo-show
d7d30320a8663cc5c41fbf510fe2cd72: something i need to do
b39b4ffa530441de3b09c362942742ab: something else i need to do


All of the configuration options live in the ~/.widrc file.



Defines where the data is stored, this can be any location on the disk your user can write to.


path = /Users/foo/Dropbox/.whatidid



Defines how the date should be formated from the results of wid updates-show.


update-show-format = %m/%d/%Y

On the command line:

$ wid update-show
11/18/2012: Did something
11/19/2012: Did something else